301-656-6398  |  703-442-4919
Adam G. Tattlebaum M.D.

Breastfeeding with Implants: What You Should Know

breastfeeding with implants

Breastfeeding with breast implants – is it possible? This is a valid question and the answer is YES. It is possible to breastfeed with implants. If you are contemplating breast augmentation and you plan on having children in the future, it’s essential that you understand how breast implants may impact your ability to breastfeed. It’s natural that you have many questions.

Common Concerns About Breastfeeding with Breast Implants

Will it affect milk production?

     breast implants and breastfeedingMilk production varies from person to person. We know for sure that depending on the surgery type, adequate milk production can be a factor. The amount of glandular tissue plays a big role in the production of milk coming from your breasts. Each patient is different, so it is always good to be comfortable with alternatives to breastfeeding. Unfortunately, the only way to know is to try, but fortunately, most women are successful.

Will older silicone breast implants, put your baby at risk?

The CDC publicly addressed the concern about the potential transfer of harmful substances to breast milk from silicone breast implants. It cited there was insufficient evidence to warrant any major concern. It also indicated that in most cases, breastfeeding with silicone breast implants isn’t problematic. Silicone is present in many other forms in our lives.

Does the incision area make a difference?

The area of incision does matter. In surgeries where there were incisions through the areola, by definition, some of the milk ducts are cut. Even so, many are left intact so breastfeeding is often possible. In situations where there is numbness to the nipple the reflex to let milk down can be altered.  There are pros and cons to each incision used in breast implant surgery. A patient planning to breastfeed may wish to consider an inframammary incision. An inframammary incision is below the ductal breast tissue so it may have less impact on breastfeeding.

breastfeeding with breast implantsThe Right Procedure for You

If you still have questions about breastfeeding with breast implants, schedule a consultation and I’ll be happy to answer them in person. I’m a board-certified plastic surgeon, specializing in difficult cases and corrective breast surgery, and I’m available to consult and fully evaluate your ability to breastfeed. We can discuss which procedures can have the optimal results you desire. Call the office today at 301-656-6398 to get started.

January 4, 2019 12:22 pm
Categories: Blog, Breast Augmentation, Breast Implant


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