301-656-6398  |  703-442-4919
Adam G. Tattlebaum M.D.

Men, Liposuction, and the Military

Men tend to be more shy when it comes to cosmetic plastic surgery. While my practice is about 80% women here in the Washington D.C area the U.S. Military unknowingly sends me a steady stream of male patients. Military doctors have decided that one way to evaluate “fitness for duty” is to have a specific ratio of neck diameter to waist diameter. If this ratio is off a discharge could ensue. While I can’t really change the diameter of the neck, I have liposuctioned liters of abdominal and flank fat from servicemen (and women) at bases all over the Maryland, D.C. and Baltimore Maryland area. So why talk about this here? I want you to know you are not alone. Liposuction is far more common than you think in the service. I have treated almost every rank with a great sense of pride. How much you will shrink depends on how much you carry in the first place. I can never guarantee a waist size but it is not uncommon to lose at least two pants sizes or more. The flanks or love handles tend to make the biggest difference as most men wear their belt below the lower abdominal fullness. I perform many other surgeries for men including breast reduction, rhinoplasty facelift and others, but thanks to the United States government, flank and abdomen liposuction remains the most popular. If you are considering liposuction and you are part of our armed forces here in Maryland. Washington D.C. or Baltimore Maryland you are in good company and I would be happy to evaluate you. Yes, we offer military discounts. So please contact my office for further details.

September 30, 2011 7:21 pm
Categories: Blog, Body, Liposuction, Plastic Surgery
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