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Adam G. Tattlebaum M.D.

Are There Non-Invasive Ways to Treat Cellulite?

Are There Non-Invasive Ways to Treat Cellulite_ 1200x630

If you were sitting at a luncheon with a few friends catching up on each other’s’ lives, the topic of fighting cellulite would have a high chance of coming up. This is probably because in most cases, we are all vulnerable to or suffer from it.

When it comes to cellulite, there are many common misconceptions on whether there are non-invasive ways to treat it. Here are some common tips people suggest:


Staying hydrated is perhaps the most ideal for the face, body, and your overall health. It can help clean out the body and prevent dehydration. The best way to ensure you are hydrated is by checking the color of your urine. If the urine is clear, it’s a green light. If the urine is a much darker shade, this could be a sign of dehydration.

Staying hydrated is beneficial for slimming down, maintaining weight, exercise, and diet. Cellulite develops when fat deposits start to push through layers of collagen fibers, or connective tissue, under the skin. When drinking water and losing weight, the fat in the superficial skin layers may diminish improving the appearance of cellulite.

Lotions & Potions

Many individuals are skeptical of the wonders promised in moisturizers or creams, and for good reason. Yet, it seems that caffeine and aminophylline creams can possibly help reduce the appearance of cellulite.

Note, although this can be a convenient method, it is not backed up by research and is not proven in any way.

Dry Brushing

Dry brushing has been gaining a lot of popularity over the years. Dry brushing is the process of using a skin brush to pat your skin typically right before showering. You can brush all areas of the body including hands feet and chest.

Aside from softening the skin, dry brushing may have other benefits. Using a dry brush promotes lymphatic support, exfoliates the skin, and cleans pores. The process of running a natural bristle brush over the skin helps remove dead skin cells and stimulates a normal lymph flow in the body. This enables the body to naturally detoxify itself but has not been proven to treat cellulite.

Another similar trend that has died over the years was known as Endermologie. This was the process of using a vacuum to “irritate” the skin causing it to be swollen. In turn, this would help reduce the appearance of cellulite. Endermologie was a short-term treatment and seemed to be less and less effective, making it extinct.

Both dry brushing and endermologie use natural components to irritate the skin, which can make it look plump. This can then give the illusion that there is less cellulite on the body, although the results are short-lived.

This is not an effective or proven method.

Coffee Scrubs

Using the proper exfoliators and cleansers are a great way to take care of the skin, but have not been proven to treat cellulite. Specifically, coffee scrubs supposedly have antioxidant and stimulating properties that may help reduce the appearance of cellulite, but this has not been proven in any way.

Any scrub– whether coffee or ginger are essentially used to irritate the skin, making it look swollen and plump. This can help reduce cellulite visibility on the short-term but does not in any way cure the condition.

The bottom line is that there aren’t any proven non-invasive ways to treat cellulite. It is important to ensure that you are not disappointed when coffee scrubs or moisturizers don’t work, as they are sometimes laced with empty promises.

Losing Weight

Regularly exercising and losing weight is a great way to tone your body. Shedding some weight and firming your body may reduce the visibility of cellulite. Working out and doing the proper strength training or cardio, can help remove the superficial layer between the skin. Once this superficial layer is adjusted, it may help diminish the appearance of cellulite.

If you’re trying to lose weight or target a specific area on your body, Dr. Tattelbaum is here to help. Schedule a consultation now to learn more about what you can do today.

July 1, 2018 9:06 am
Categories: Blog


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