301-656-6398  |  703-442-4919
Adam G. Tattlebaum M.D.

Obesity is Costly – Especially for Women

obesity in women

Generally speaking, women have higher living expenses than men- makeup, hair products, skin care products, waxing, weekly manicure and pedicures, monthly facials, quarterly microdermabrasion, feminine products, etc. All of these add up to lots of dollars spent in the long run. So, it shouldn’t surprise us to hear that obese women have higher living expenses than obese men and non-obese women. 

Adult women who are obese often spend as much as $4,879 extra towards living expenses, while men often rack up about $2,646 in additional expenses incurred for being obese. Some of those costs may be paid by the woman, some by employers and some by the government. 

The Cost on One’s Self-Esteem

Obesity can have an effect on an individual’s personal life, as it can cause people to feel self-conscious about their bodies resulting in stress, anxiety, and habits that may exacerbate obesity, such as lethargy and unhealthy eating habits. However, many people don’t realize how big of an impact obesity has on their professional life as well. Not only does the lack of mobility have an effect on the type of work that can be done, but it can make an individual more prone to illness, causing missed days of work or dismissal altogether. ² Additionally, a recent analysis by researchers at George Washington University, located in Washington D.C., suggests obese women make less compared to related working non-obese women and obese men.

Determining a Cause

plastic surgery for women in Maryland

The cause of these figures is unknown, but experts suggest that it may have to do with the double standard that places emphasis on women needing to keep up a certain appearance more than men when it comes to plastic surgery for women. Plastic Surgery in Maryland is a moot matter. Individuals decide to undergo procedures for different reasons, from aesthetic purposes to health necessity. The outcomes from a procedure may not just enhance your personal life, but can make an impact in your professional life as well. Obesity may be caused by numerous factors including genetic endowment, inadequate diet, lack of physical exercise, childbirth and hormonal imbalance, among other things. 

A lot of people choose to make the necessary changes in their life to lose weight, become healthier and accomplish weight loss, but do not ever acquire the confidence they believed they would because of lax, dropping skin. Extra skin is oftentimes bothersome, not merely to see, but can be galling in clothes too and a burden in many physical activities. If you’re an individual struggling with extra skin after having lost weight, an abdominoplasty, arm lift, thigh lift or another type of procedure might help you attain the overall end results you want by toning your shape to a better-balanced look and feeling. 

Obesity rates among Americans, especially children are growing.  Nearly 300,000 premature deaths were caused by Obesity and related illness. Being obese can make you more acceptable to other illnesses and the social stigmas surrounding it can induce stress, anxiety, and depression.

Do not allow it to be your issue. If you’re gaining weight or are overweight, consult with a doctor or dietician to determine what is the best wellness regime for you to achieve a healthier weight. This may mean a diet change, increased exercise, and the development or cutting out of certain habits. If your stomach muscles are lax due to childbirth or you have drooping skin because of weight loss, contact a board-certified plastic surgeon, like me, to find out about plastic surgery for women that might help shape your body after weight loss. 

Looking for Plastic Surgery for Women? Choose Dr. Adam Tattelbaum

For additional information on plastic surgery procedures for men and women in Maryland, contact us at 301-656-6398. Visit one of my three office locations in the Northern Baltimore Maryland, DC, Maryland area or explore our menu of body procedures. You will thank yourself in the long run.

December 8, 2010 11:19 pm
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