301-656-6398  |  703-442-4919
Adam G. Tattlebaum M.D.

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The Truth About Facelifting


Like most surgeries, with facelifting, you can be exposed to many common misconceptions, causing you to do something you’ll regret. When it comes to cosmetic procedures, it is especially important that you seek the right advice and accurate information on how to treat your aging skin.Here is what you need to know about facelifting:What is a Facelift?A facelift is a common surgery that works to reduce the signs of aging. Medically known as a rhytidectomy, a facelift involves reducing excess skin and adjusting underlying tissues to help re-tighten the skin.Depending on the individual, facelifting can include many different procedures, such… Read More

3 Signs You Need Brachioplasty

3 Signs You Need Brachioplasty

When it comes to surgical procedures we often contemplate whether it is the right decision. This can be due to potential risks, fear of undergoing surgery or simply being disappointed in the results. When it comes to Brachioplasty, or upper arm surgery, there are visible signs that may push individuals to undergo this procedure.Here are a few reasons you can benefit from Brachioplasty:You Recently Lost WeightWeight loss for a healthier or slimmer you can be exciting and admirable. Yet, drastic weight loss can bring on some new undesirable changes, such as excess skin and tissue that cannot be tightened through… Read More

5 Proven Nose Job Recovery Tips

Nose Job Tips

The recovery of a nose job, also known as a rhinoplasty, can be challenging. Like any other surgical procedure, there is some downtime following the procedure, which requires special care and consideration. Every patient heals differently. Factors such as age, sun exposure, and even complexity of surgery can affect recovery.Here are some tips on how to recover:Stay out of the SunDuring the first week of recovery, it is important that patients accept minor changes such as swelling and congestion in the nose area. Using a humidifier to help soothe these symptoms can also be helpful.More importantly, staying out of the… Read More

6 Ingredients to Avoid on Your Skin at All Costs

6 Ingredients to Avoid on Your Skin at All Costs

If you always thought the FDA was not doing such a great job when it comes to labeling the safety of our food supplies, the regulation of cosmetics is far worse. In the same way you’ve gotten used to analyzing the nutrition labels, even more so, you should persist with your cosmetic products.There are hundreds, if not thousands, of chemicals that make up your beauty products. Here is what you should know:ParabensParabens are typically and often used as preservatives that help prevent the growth of bacteria, yeast, and mold in cosmetic products. Sounds amazing, doesn’t it? False. Although parabens do… Read More

Why Butt Lifts and Augmentations are Rapidly Growing

Why Butt Lifts and Augmentations are Rapidly Growing

Now, more than ever, women are undergoing surgery to give their buttocks a lift. The American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS) has released statistics clearly revealing that butt enhancement surgery is on the rise. Yet, while many patients are opting for butt implants, doctors are now steering their patients toward butt augmentation, involving fat grafting surgery. Either way, changing the shape or look of buttocks has become the new trend, and here are some reasons why: Evolving Beauty Ideals The standards of beauty have been constantly changing and its evolution is somewhat surprising. Going back to the 90s, Kate Moss… Read More

Does Botox Really Prevent Wrinkles?

Does botox prevent wrinkles?

Botox Cosmetic™ is the most popular non-surgical treatment that both women and men choose to undergo in an attempt to reduce the appearance of their wrinkles. 6.7 million people got Botox™-like procedures done in 2015. There are three major types of toxins to decide from: Botox Cosmetic™, Dysport and Xeomin. Despite millions of success stories, many people are still skeptical about whether Botox™ really does prevent wrinkles. Read below to find out if it does.What Exactly is Botox™?Botox™ is made from Botulinum toxin A. It is derived from bacterium Clostridium Botulinum, which is an organism found in the natural environment.  If… Read More

All About Under-Eye Fillers

Everything you need to know about under-eye fillers.

Looking tired and having dark under-eyes can have a huge impact on your overall image. Hollow eyes can be genetic, or due to environmental factors such as sun exposure. Volume loss due to aging can cause the appearance of lines or depressions around the eyes.In some cases, under-eye fillers can be used to enhance the hollow area under the eyes known as the tear trough, a depression where the eyelid skin meets the cheek skin.Here is what you should consider when choosing under-eye fillers:The Basics of Dermal FillersDermal fillers, also known as facial fillers, are injected into the face to… Read More

Weight Loss: Dr. Tattelbaum’s Mission

Weight Loss_ Dr. Tattelbaum's Mission Title Image

Each day I evaluate patients for cosmetic plastic surgery. Whether in Rockville, Mclean, Annapolis or soon Columbia, the goal is the same. Are they good candidates? Are they realistic? Are we compatible?HealthAfter all, it is a relationship we’ll be forming. While all these questions are important, perhaps the ultimate question is about their health. Is this person healthy enough to safely have surgery? Hand in hand with safety and health comes weight. Whether it’s a tummy tuck, mommy makeover facelift or even breast implants weight plays a role in safety.  Patients above a normal BMI have higher surgical risks.As a… Read More

Liposuction is on the Rise: What You Should Consider

Liposuction is on the Rise_ What You Should Consider Title Image

As liposuction has become increasingly popular, it may have started a real trend that everyone wants to follow. Yet, liposuction is not for everyone. It is important to make sure that you are an ideal candidate, that you understand the risks, and that the motive behind your decision is a good one.With liposuction on the rise here are a few things you should consider.Be Realistic It is important to be aware that undergoing liposuction surgery will not transform your size from a 14 to a size 6. Liposuction typically targets stubborn fat such as “love handles.” Unfortunately, many of us… Read More

Plastic Surgery: Am I a Good Match?

Plastic Surgery_ Am I a Good Match_ Title Image

If you’ve ever thought about plastic surgery, you are not alone. Nearly 1.8 million plastic surgery procedures are performed annually. Plastic surgery can take all shapes and forms from a breast augmentation, liposuction, to eyelid surgery. One’s physical appearance has never been more important. Whether you are being seen on Instagram, Facebook, and even in real life, plastic surgery has become a prominent option for enhancing one’s body image. Yet, plastic surgery is not for everyone. Keep reading to see if you are a good match: Why Do You Want to Have Surgery? The main component you should consider before… Read More


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