301-656-6398  |  703-442-4919
Adam G. Tattlebaum M.D.

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Breast Lift vs. Implants: Knowing the Difference Matters

Breast augmentation breast implants

If you look in the mirror and feel unhappy with your breasts, you’re not alone. Breast augmentation is the most popular cosmetic surgery in the United States. Aging, gravity, hormone fluctuation, and weight changes can take a toll on your body. Weight loss typically means losing breast volume. Fortunately, there’s a way to counteract those changes by having a breast lift or breast implants. Do you know which is right for you? Knowing the difference matters, and will play a role in knowing what to expect.The basics of breast implantsBreast augmentation (implants) is an option for women who desire larger… Read More

Surgery and Scars: What You Need to Know

Surgery Scars What You Need to Know

Plastic surgery is generally done to improve one’s appearance and lifestyle. There are many benefits to having surgery. But sometimes, the reality of surgery scars can surprise patients.Scar WarsSurgical scars form whenever a scalpel is used. While incredible progress in surgical techniques has increased over the past few decades, a scar will appear any time a scalpel is used to open the body. Your surgeon will work hard to make sure the scar is minimal or hidden, but it’s essential that patients understand the reality about surgery scars.When patients come in for consultations, they are excited to discuss what they… Read More

Are There Non-Invasive Ways to Treat Cellulite?

Are There Non-Invasive Ways to Treat Cellulite_ 1200x630

If you were sitting at a luncheon with a few friends catching up on each other’s’ lives, the topic of fighting cellulite would have a high chance of coming up. This is probably because in most cases, we are all vulnerable to or suffer from it.When it comes to cellulite, there are many common misconceptions on whether there are non-invasive ways to treat it. Here are some common tips people suggest:HydrationStaying hydrated is perhaps the most ideal for the face, body, and your overall health. It can help clean out the body and prevent dehydration. The best way to ensure… Read More

How Hair Transplants Can Change Your Life

How Hair Transplants Can Change Your Life

Hair transplants can really make all the difference. With the popularity of hair transplants on the rise, it is clear that more and more people are regaining their hairlines and improving upon baldness. While this is truly fascinating and exciting for those who want the same results, it’s important to remember that you must be the right candidate for the procedure. Here is everything you need to know: AgeWhile there isn’t really an age limit when it comes to hair transplants, there are some standards. Ideally, the best candidates are 30 years of age and above. As individuals in their… Read More

4 Tips to Best Prepare for Your Plastic Surgery Consultation

4 Tips to Best Prepare for Your Plastic Surgery Consultation

When it comes to your plastic surgery consultation, it’s important to come prepared. A successful consultation usually means that the certified surgeon and the patient both understand the desired results and the outcome that will follow. The surgeon will educate you about your options with the specific procedure and put your mind at ease before surgery.Here’s what you need to know:Do Your ResearchEspecially when it comes to plastic surgery, it’s important you do your due diligence and research the procedure. If you’re looking specifically into breast or body procedures, be sure to wear the right clothes or underwear before the… Read More

Liposuction vs. Tummy Tuck

Tummy tuck vs liposuction

Liposuction and tummy tucks have been confused from one another since they’ve existed. This is perhaps due to common misconceptions that a tummy tuck is the all-time solution to women who just had a baby, or having liposuction as a way to tighten the skin. Patients are often confused about the difference between liposuction or tummy tuck when it comes to improving the appearance of the abdomen. A common misconception is that liposuction will tighten and shrink up the skin.Here is nothing but the truth:LiposuctionLiposuction is one of the most common surgeries performed worldwide. Though it is indeed one of… Read More

The Truth About Facelifting


Like most surgeries, with facelifting, you can be exposed to many common misconceptions, causing you to do something you’ll regret. When it comes to cosmetic procedures, it is especially important that you seek the right advice and accurate information on how to treat your aging skin.Here is what you need to know about facelifting:What is a Facelift?A facelift is a common surgery that works to reduce the signs of aging. Medically known as a rhytidectomy, a facelift involves reducing excess skin and adjusting underlying tissues to help re-tighten the skin.Depending on the individual, facelifting can include many different procedures, such… Read More

3 Signs You Need Brachioplasty

3 Signs You Need Brachioplasty

When it comes to surgical procedures we often contemplate whether it is the right decision. This can be due to potential risks, fear of undergoing surgery or simply being disappointed in the results. When it comes to Brachioplasty, or upper arm surgery, there are visible signs that may push individuals to undergo this procedure.Here are a few reasons you can benefit from Brachioplasty:You Recently Lost WeightWeight loss for a healthier or slimmer you can be exciting and admirable. Yet, drastic weight loss can bring on some new undesirable changes, such as excess skin and tissue that cannot be tightened through… Read More

5 Proven Nose Job Recovery Tips

Nose Job Tips

The recovery of a nose job, also known as a rhinoplasty, can be challenging. Like any other surgical procedure, there is some downtime following the procedure, which requires special care and consideration. Every patient heals differently. Factors such as age, sun exposure, and even complexity of surgery can affect recovery.Here are some tips on how to recover:Stay out of the SunDuring the first week of recovery, it is important that patients accept minor changes such as swelling and congestion in the nose area. Using a humidifier to help soothe these symptoms can also be helpful.More importantly, staying out of the… Read More

6 Ingredients to Avoid on Your Skin at All Costs

6 Ingredients to Avoid on Your Skin at All Costs

If you always thought the FDA was not doing such a great job when it comes to labeling the safety of our food supplies, the regulation of cosmetics is far worse. In the same way you’ve gotten used to analyzing the nutrition labels, even more so, you should persist with your cosmetic products.There are hundreds, if not thousands, of chemicals that make up your beauty products. Here is what you should know:ParabensParabens are typically and often used as preservatives that help prevent the growth of bacteria, yeast, and mold in cosmetic products. Sounds amazing, doesn’t it? False. Although parabens do… Read More


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