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Adam G. Tattlebaum M.D.

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What is the purpose of subsidiary ledgers?

The usefulness of the accounts receivable subsidiary ledger lies in the fact that it can show, at a glance, the account status and amounts owed by a specific customer. For example, the general balance may show a total accounts receivable balance of $100,000, but it will not show which customer owes how much. This information can be gleaned from the accounts receivable subsidiary ledger. The ledger will show, for example, that Customer A owes $15,000, Customer B owes $25,000, Customer C owes $5,000, and so on. The accounts receivable subsidiary ledger shows all the sales made on credit by a… Read More

Return on Assets ROA Ratio : Formula and “Good” ROA Defined

The ROA figure gives investors an idea of how effective the company is in converting the money it invests into net income. The higher the ROA number, the better because the company can earn more money with a smaller investment. ROA for public companies can vary substantially and are highly dependent on the industry in which they function. The ROA for a tech company won’t necessarily correspond to that of a food and beverage company. It’s best to compare a company’s ROA against its previous ROA numbers or a similar company’s ROA when using it as a comparative measure. Both… Read More

Return on Assets ROA Ratio Definition, Formula, and Example

This ratio can also be represented as a product of the profit margin and the total asset turnover. A typical ROA will vary depending on the size and industry that a company operates in. Be careful when comparing the ROAs of two companies in different industries. As a general rule, a return on assets under 5% is considered an asset-intensive business, while a return on assets above 20% is considered an asset-light business. The first company earns a return on assets of 10% and the second one earns an ROA of 67%. The Formula for Return on Total Assets – ROTA Is Imagine… Read More

Return on Assets ROA Ratio : Formula and “Good” ROA Defined

The ROA figure gives investors an idea of how effective the company is in converting the money it invests into net income. The higher the ROA number, the better because the company can earn more money with a smaller investment. ROA for public companies can vary substantially and are highly dependent on the industry in which they function. The ROA for a tech company won’t necessarily correspond to that of a food and beverage company. It’s best to compare a company’s ROA against its previous ROA numbers or a similar company’s ROA when using it as a comparative measure. Both… Read More

Return on Assets ROA Ratio Definition, Formula, and Example

This ratio can also be represented as a product of the profit margin and the total asset turnover. A typical ROA will vary depending on the size and industry that a company operates in. Be careful when comparing the ROAs of two companies in different industries. As a general rule, a return on assets under 5% is considered an asset-intensive business, while a return on assets above 20% is considered an asset-light business. The first company earns a return on assets of 10% and the second one earns an ROA of 67%. The Formula for Return on Total Assets – ROTA Is Imagine… Read More

Русско-грузинский переводчик для туристов минимальный набор слов для разговорника в Грузии

Научили вас не только литературной речи, но и познакомили с часто употребляющимися сленговыми выражениями. Если у вас все же остались вопросы, задавайте их в комментариях. Метлах – напольная плитка, кафель – настенная плитка, оба слова являются взаимозаменяемыми. Шени чириме (შენი ჭირიმე)– дословно «возьму твою болезнь, боль или страдание на себя». Употребляется от избытка чувств со смыслом ой мой хороший, моя милая. Русско-грузинский переводчик для туристов – минимальный набор слов для разговорника в Грузии. На самом деле это слово «бичи» (мальчик), которое произносится как обращение или окрик «бичо! Но при этом слово трансформировалась в уличное сленговое обращение «биджо». Постараться придется если… Read More

Русско-грузинский переводчик онлайн бесплатно

Часто произносится с сожалением, когда сказать уже нечего. Если вам хочется больше, то по ссылке вы найдете удобный русско-грузинский переводчик онлайн. Исключение составляют лишь пятница и воскресенье. Обратите внимание, слово კვირა квира переводится не только как воскресенье, но и как неделя (временной промежуток). Не обязательно ехать в Грузию, чтобы поразить иностранцев знанием самых главных лексем. Очень много выходцев из Грузии проживает по всему миру, а значит данный разговорник может пригодиться повсеместно. Вот тут вам пригодится русско-грузинский разговорник, который приведен в конце статьи. Далее вы найдете небольшой переводчик с грузинского на русский который мы разделили на две части. В первой части собраны… Read More

How Free Apps Earn Cash: Guide To Earn Money With Apps

In-app adverts are ads that seem when a person makes use of the app. It appears easy, however every utility implements in-app promoting in a special way. When you create an app, besides offering an answer, your major goal is to earn cash from it. There are several methods you have to use to generate income from your application, additionally known as app monetization. Many of the most https://www.globalcloudteam.com/ profitable apps use a wide selection of monetization strategies. Lastly, paid app users may have larger expectations in your app, but they’re extra prone to be devoted to extracting the most… Read More

Pivot Points Overview, Techniques, Calculations, and Uses

Pivot points refer to technical indicators used by day traders to identify potential support and resistance price levels in a securities market. Traders use pivot points and the support and resistance levels they provide to determine potential entry, exit, and stop-loss prices for trades. Unlike other trading tools that use long time frames, the pivot point indicator obtains data from a single day of trading. What Are the Pivot Point Time Frames? Hence, instead of focusing on just one single level, they consider a range or a zone. The supports and resistances can then be calculated in the same manner… Read More

How to Find the Period of a Trig Function A Simple Guide

Phase shifts and vertical shifts often transform the basic form of trigonometric functions. In the equations of these functions, specific coefficients and constants determine the magnitude of these shifts. Because there are no maximum or minimum values of a tangent function, the term amplitude cannot be interpreted as it is for the sine and cosine functions. In this case, we add \(C\) and \(D\) to the general form of the tangent function. If in a triangle, we know the adjacent and opposite sides of an angle, then by finding the inverse cotangent function, i.e., cot-1(adjacent/opposite), we can find the angle…. Read More


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