301-656-6398  |  703-442-4919
Adam G. Tattlebaum M.D.

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Misapplied Botox: Dispelling the Rumors

botox treatments

Botox procedures seem to be subject to an unusually large number of myths and rumors, some of which are untrue while some are quite outlandish. One of these myths portrays Botox as prone to misapplication, causing permanent disfigurement. While it’s true that some can mishandle a dermal filler and apply it to the wrong part of the face, only inexperienced and unskilled surgeons are foolish enough to do it! This article will examine Botox and dispel the countless rumors levied against its use. Misapplied Botox Is a Rarity When an inexperienced practitioner injects Botox into the wrong area, the substance… Read More

The Dangers of Medical Tourism

medical tourism

Medical tourism refers to the practice of people leaving their own country to seek medical treatment abroad. Why are so many people pursuing plastic surgery overseas? Because it’s “cheaper” there.  In the United States, insurance companies do not cover cosmetic or plastic surgery procedures, so people look for ways to cut costs. A breast augmentation surgery that typically costs $7,000 here can cost as little as $2,000 in India. However, cheaper doesn’t mean safer. Therefore, this article will outline the numerous complications and dangers associated with medical tourism. Risks of Medical Tourism: Plastic Surgery Here are some of the most… Read More

Cheap Plastic Surgery: When Too Good To Be True Is Too Good To Be True

cheap plastic surgery

A 33-year-old woman, who wanted to get a tummy tuck, decided to travel to the Dominican Republic instead of going to a plastic surgeon close to home. Why? Because plastic surgery treatments in the Dominican Republic cost a fraction of the price of similar procedures in the United States. Unfortunately, instead of a toned tummy, the woman ended up with a severe infection that ultimately resulted in her death.   This case is not unique or rare. Medical experts, as well as the FDA, use this type of instance as a warning for Americans who go overseas for cheaper cosmetic surgery… Read More

Understanding The Risks Of Phony Botox

botox procedures

When you go to a plastic surgeon to get Botox treatments, you expect to walk away with the assurance that the fillers the surgeon injected into your face were the real deal.  If your surgeon is board-certified and has glowing testimonials, then you can rest easy that your Botox procedure was safe and successful. However, a recent warning issued by the FDA has highlighted the importance of making sure that authentic, quality substance was used by your surgeon.  The FDA has warned in the past that they had uncovered several vials of counterfeit Botox offered by US-based cosmetic surgeons. This… Read More

Instagram Dolls And Plastic Surgery: A Plastic Surgeon’s Take

instagram dolls plastic surgery

What are Instagram Dolls? Chances are as soon as you heard the term, you imagined look-alikes of Kim Kardashian and Kylie Jenner – to name a few – with heavily contoured faces, high constructed eyebrows, and pillowy lips.  You’d think that social media would be more enthusiastic about championing diversity but that’s clearly not the case these days. People, especially young women, are striving to achieve the “Instagram face” look at an alarming rate.  And to achieve their goal, they seek as many cosmetic surgeries as it takes to look like their favorite Instagram celebrity.  The “Instagram Dolls” Plastic Surgery … Read More

Breast Implants Have Nothing To Do With A, B, C

breast implants

If you are considering undergoing a breast implant plastic surgery procedure, one of the most important decisions you’d make involves the size of breast implants.  Choosing the right implant size is critical to ensure that the outcome is what you wished for. And it also makes sure that your new breasts won’t hinder your ability to enjoy all of your favorite activities.  However, when determining the right breast implants size, many women think in terms of cup sizes only. In this blog, I will explain why that’s not the right approach to take. The Initial Consultation During our consultation, I… Read More

Renee Zellweger, Humiliation, And Cosmetic Surgery: Dispelling The Stigma

renee zellweger after cosmetic surgery

America’s celebrity obsession is nothing new. Humans are a social species and celebrities seem to be at the top of the social hierarchy. They are objects of our devotion and we “ordinary people” worship them. People look to celebrities for several reasons: one is just plain curiosity about how these high-status individuals live and how they can emulate them, and second, it makes for a good conversation starter. But that’s not all.  We also tend to project our moral righteousness and anxieties on these people. The best example? Our current fixation with the appearance of Renee Zellweger.  When Zellweger appeared… Read More

What to Ask Before Getting a Nose Job

nose job

A nose job or rhinoplasty is a common cosmetic surgery that alters the shape of your nose. For the right patient, rhinoplasty can help restore facial balance. Some rhinoplasties remove bumps or humps on the nose. Some can change the shape and position of the nasal tip. Some even enlarge or elevate the bridge. The key is to set realistic goals when you consult with your plastic surgeon. Here are some of the most important questions you should ask yourself — and your surgeon — prior to your nose job. What Type of Nose Job Surgeon Is Best for Me?… Read More

Why More Men Are Turning to Cosmetic Surgery

plastic surgery for men

While plastic surgery has been largely marketed to females over the years, today, more than ever, men are choosing to rejuvenate their appearance as well.  But can men get plastic surgery just like women? Of course! In fact, since 2000, there has been a 29 percent increase in male cosmetic procedures in the United States. Some of the plastic surgery for men that tends to be most popular includes fillers, tummy tucks, liposuction, and rhinoplasty.  Why the Shift in Male Cosmetic Surgery Interest? There are several reasons for this major shift in male interest in cosmetic surgery.  First and foremost,… Read More

Putting Your Best Face Forward With a Facelift


As a board-certified plastic surgeon, I help my patients address the signs of facial aging on a daily basis. As plastic surgeons, we have many tools in our toolbox, so-to-speak, to help slow down, and in some cases, turn back the aging process… at least for a while.  While botox and fillers may be right for the younger patient trying to hide subtle changes of aging, chemical peels may do better for the next level of patients. And for those with finer lines and wrinkles, a facelift is a worthy option to explore. Specific situations where a facelift is a… Read More


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