301-656-6398  |  703-442-4919
Adam G. Tattlebaum M.D.

Recent Posts

Tummy Tuck or Liposuction, Which Should I Have Done?

Do I need a Tummy Tuck or Liposuction? Which do I need, liposuction or a tummy tuck, patients frequently ask this question when they visit their plastic surgeon. Patients can try to answer this question for themselves before they visit the plastic surgeon to understand the difference between the two procedures, figuring out what bothers them most about their body, and what they want to accomplish. Liposuction Liposuction reduces the fat volume in problem areas that make patients uncomfortable about the way they look. This is a more intense procedure as it takes more fat from different areas of the body and… Read More

Dr. Adam Tattelbaum Reviews Silicone vs Saline Breast Implants

Rather than comparing and contrasting silicone implants Maryland and saline implants Maryland, which has already been done many times, I thought it would be more helpful to give my opinion on the subject. At this stage, about five years after the FDA allowed silicone gel implants back on the market and hundreds of implants later, here is my opinion- I like silicone gel implants. As I strive to give my patients the most natural results, silicone wins hands down. Silicone implants have a softer and more natural feel. The gel in the implants gravitates toward the bottom of the breast… Read More

What’s a Breast Augmentation Refund Gap?

refund gap

What’s a breast augmentation “refund gap”? In a Q&A chat room, I was asked the question, “How do I avoid a refund gap?” I had never heard this term before so I Googled it. I learned that a refund gap is a situation in which the breast implants have migrated so far apart that there is a large gap between the implants – so the patients request a refund. After 18 years in practice, I thought I should post a blog and tell you how I avoid this. The Best Breast Implant PlacementAs you may know, I prefer breast implants… Read More

Would you let your wife do this?

I answer a lot of questions in my surgical consultations and even pose some for my patients to consider. One of the questions I get asked periodically is “would you let your wife do this?” Now of course as an adult, she makes her own decisions. I guess the question really is… would I support her choices? Each day as I sit across the desk from my patients, I often imagine I am talking to my wife. My wife, my family and friends are the benchmark by which I treat my patients. If a surgery or procedure is something I… Read More

When should I change my breast implants?

Many patients have confusion about when a breast implant exchange is necessary. Some of the confusion is because plastic surgeons have differing opinions. Here I share my thoughts. If you have a saline implant and you are doing well, look good and are happy, then I see no need to replace it. Basically, if it’s not broke don’t fix it. While the leakage rate of saline implants starts to climb after 10 years, I have seen patients with saline implants placed more than 20 years ago who are doing just fine, having no problems. If a saline implant leaks, it… Read More

Men and plastic surgery

Check out the headline for this recent study: Dallas — Certain types of wound complications are more frequent in men than in women who undergo body contouring procedures after weight loss surgeries, according to new research results. The researchers go on to explain that men have about a four-fold risk of hematoma (blood collection under the skin) and about a twofold risk of seroma formation (fluid trapped under the skin). The authors conclude that they will need more study to understand why men have these increased risks. Now, I wasn’t a part of the study, but after 18 years in… Read More

Which incision for a breast implant?

I saw a young woman last week, and I have seen quite a few like her over the years. She had breast augmentation done elsewhere about 4 months ago. She was concerned that her breast implants were too high. Everyone starts out big, tight and high, but by 4 months most people are dropping nicely, and she wasn’t. It turns out that she had her breast implants placed through the armpit. While it sounds cool and sexy implants that are too high or don’t drop are a common consequence in this approach. During breast augmentation the lower insertion of the… Read More

Wear your Bikini to the Mommy Makeover?

When I plan my mommy makeovers I like my patients to bring in their favorite underwear or even bathing suit with them. No string bikinis please, no lacy panties and no granny panties. Something about an inch or two wide around the hips for a tummy tuck or similar width for a bra under the arms, something not too valuable, in case I get some marker on it. I draw the outline of your garment on your body before plastic surgery and I use the outline as a target in which to hide scars. My incisions are individualized. For example, for… Read More

Awesome Tan – Avoiding Cosmetic Surgery if You Can

I am guilty of spending time on the roof of a community hospital in New Jersey during my general surgery training, longer ago than I care to remember. It was a quiet hospital but nonetheless I was rotated there because they had to have a surgical resident in house for the occasional trauma. Stuck there on summer weekends, I spent most of my downtime reading surgery and cosmetic surgery journals  on the roof of the building and while there I acquired an awesome tan. I wish I knew then what I know now. The sun, the tan, while desperately appealing, is… Read More

What is Posterior Flank Liposuction?

posterior flank liposuction

Many of you know that I perform frontal flank liposuction on most of my tummy tucks. For those that need liposuction in this area it gives more curve and contour to the hips, and in my opinion, makes the tummy tuck look more streamlined and sexy. The Frontal and Posterior FlankThe frontal flank is the love handle or the area you can grab if you pinch the roll just above your hips. In some people, this roll is mainly on the side of the body, but in some it extends all the way around above the buttocks. When it goes around the… Read More


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