301-656-6398  |  703-442-4919
Adam G. Tattlebaum M.D.

Recent Posts

Restylane Family of Products Special – Save Up to $390

Smooth out wrinkles and lines on your face with Restylane Family of Products, all treatments are non-operative alternatives to achieving facial rejuvenation. Dr. Tattelbaum, Board Certified Maryland Plastic Surgeon with offices in Rockville and Annapolis, as well as in McLean, Baltimore Maryland , is pleased to inform you of this special offer from Medicis Aesthetics. Share your beauty secret with a friend and you can save up to $390 on Restylane®, Perlane®, Restylane®-L, and or Perlane®-L. For more information on how you can participate in this offer see the image below, contact our office or visit www.restylane.com. Treatment must be… Read More

Breast Augmentation: Questions to Ask During your Consultation

If you are considering breast augmentation, it is important to discuss your options with a plastic surgeon. You will want to make sure your plastic surgeon is knowledgeable, certified, experienced, and to ensure all of the above it is important to ask your surgeon questions upon consultation. Additionally, a consultation will go over your desired results, medical history, etc. During this time, breast implant options will be discussed, as well as technique. Based off your desires, health and body frame one implant type may be better than another, as well as one technique may be more appropriate then another. What… Read More

Investing in Your Career-First College, Then Cosmetic Surgery

There are more and more people on the job hunt in America today than ever before. It’s not only the young college graduates looking for jobs but now the older generations are in on the hunt. Who knew that to make a good impression you need to be fresh looking? Now, not only do you need to be on top of your game with your knowledge but you need to be on top with your looks as well. Experience is a good thing when it comes to getting a job, but most business owners are not going to hire someone… Read More

Skin Care Tips During the Cold Months in DC, Maryland

skin care tips

The winter season brings many delightful things – time with family, presents, cookies, pumpkin pie and more. But one not so marvelous thing during the season of gatherings, feasts, and joy is the cold weather and more specifically, the skin harm that it can cause. During cold months, protecting your skin should be everyone’s top priority, old and young, no matter your body shape or skin type.  Within DC, Rockville, Maryland and Northern Virginia, low freezing temperatures, snow, and winds are all too common during months like January and February. Scarves and other types of outwear accessories are must-haves to keep frostbite… Read More

Obesity is Costly – Especially for Women

obesity in women

Generally speaking, women have higher living expenses than men- makeup, hair products, skin care products, waxing, weekly manicure and pedicures, monthly facials, quarterly microdermabrasion, feminine products, etc. All of these add up to lots of dollars spent in the long run. So, it shouldn’t surprise us to hear that obese women have higher living expenses than obese men and non-obese women.  Adult women who are obese often spend as much as $4,879 extra towards living expenses, while men often rack up about $2,646 in additional expenses incurred for being obese. Some of those costs may be paid by the woman, some… Read More

Use Botox For Migraines

botox for migraines

We have noticed for years that patients of ours with a history of migraines have seen subjective improvements in their migraine symptoms when using Botox even for cosmetic purposes. As of last week, the food and drug administration approved the use of a Botox procedure to treat patients with chronic migraines.  Migraine Symptoms Chronic Migraines are defined as migraines more than 14 days each month each lasting more than four hours. Common symptoms of migraines include:  Visual impairment Sensitivity to light and sound Nausea ConfusionFatigueDizzinessIrritabilityDecreased appetite For many who suffer from migraines, relief – no matter how fleeting – is the ultimate goal, but many… Read More

Balancing Breasts With Breast Augmentation

breast augmentation

I think there are a lot of subtleties about breast augmentation that the public is not aware of. The operation is not just about increasing the size or scale of the breasts. It’s also about balancing each breast so that they look full and naturally equal. Breasts, by their very nature, are never exactly the same before or after breast implant surgery. It is common for patients to have natural asymmetric breast volume and shape. It is also common to have different degrees of droop in individual breasts.  For example, many women have one breast that is slightly higher on the chest wall than… Read More

Liposuction Is Not All About the Fat!

liposuction procedure

Each day in my Maryland and Baltimore Maryland offices I see people in consultation for Liposuction. While liposuction is one of the most popular procedures that I perform I find that often it is the most misunderstood. Liposuction is not only about removing the fat – it’s also about the overlying skin and how it sits on the body.  Assessment Before the Liposuction Procedure Liposuction can be used to remove fat from just about any area of the body, but the key to a nice-looking result is having good skin tone, which has as much to do with what happens before as… Read More

The Best Botox® Procedure: What You Need to Know

botox procedure

Every day I see ads in newspapers, magazines, and circulars offering Botox® at insanely low prices. It leaves me wondering how patients really know that they’re getting good Botox® treatment. For example, many patients may not know that it is able to be reconstituted with sterile water, and in many clinics, it often is. If you add more water and you may stretch a bottle farther, but you also may see less of a result. Because of this common practice, older Botox® may not work as well as a freshly opened bottle. So, paying for Botox® by the site can… Read More

The American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery Meeting

This week I attended the annual meeting of The American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery here in D.C. at the National Harbor.  This meeting brings together plastic surgeons from all over the United States and the world. While it would seem to the outside observer that this meeting is all about the plastic surgeons and the innovations in the exhibit halls, in reality this meeting is about safety, consistency and predictability for our patients. Early in its evolution cosmetic plastic surgery was an offshoot and little publicized branch of plastic and reconstructive surgery.  Surgeons had different approaches and techniques that… Read More


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