301-656-6398  |  703-442-4919
Adam G. Tattlebaum M.D.

Recent Posts

Facelift, S-Lift, Thread Lift, Lifestyle Lift: Which One Should I Choose?


The names of procedures that are marketed today for facial rejuvenation can sound like alphabet soup and can be very confusing for patients. Terms like rhytidectomy may be clear to doctors or surgeons, but often mean very little to patients. Let’s simplify it a bit. Facelifts fall into one of two categories: mini or full. You may have heard of the ones with the cute names like S-lift, Thread lift, or Lifestyle lift. These are often marketed in the popular magazines, but in reality, they are merely variations on the mini-facelift. So which one do I recommend? The answer is… Read More

The “Bigger” Disease: Preventing It Prior to Breast Enhancement Surgery

breast enhancement surgery

What I like to call the “Bigger disease” is highly contagious and usually sets in about anywhere within the first six months after breast enhancement surgery When breast implants are first put in most patients look too big, tight, and high before the skin and muscles relax to a more natural-looking size. I prepare my patients extensively for this time so they don’t panic or think it is uncommon and dangerous. It is neither. Next comes what I call the “honeymoon period”. As about three weeks roll around, the implants start to settle but still have that push-up bra look… Read More

What Exactly is a Mommy Makeover?

mommy makeover

In the modern era, the term “mommy makeover” gets used a lot on web sites and in marketing. In my own practice, I call it postpartum restoration which I think sounds more professional and true to the actual focus of the surgery. Whether it’s a makeover or restoration the goal is the same. It’s about making women who have had children feel normal again and it is one of the most rewarding parts of my practice.  The Components of a Mommy Makeover There are usually two components to this kind of restoration: breast enhancement and rejuvenation of the abdomen.  Breast… Read More

Breast Augmentation Surgery: It’s About the Hips!

breast to hip ratio

Breast Augmentation is without a doubt the most popular procedure that I perform. While the breasts certainly play an important part, to me, the key is a sense of balance when I look at the person’s bodily makeup – especially the hips. Balance is Natural Prospective breast implant patients are first taken to an implant sizing room in my office where we keep implants to try on in all sizes and shapes. Before I even walk into the consultation, the breast augmentation patient has often already chosen and is trying on the smallest breast implant in our sample drawer. I… Read More


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