301-656-6398  |  703-442-4919
Adam G. Tattlebaum M.D.

Skin Care Tips During the Cold Months in DC, Maryland

skin care tips

The winter season brings many delightful things – time with family, presents, cookies, pumpkin pie and more. But one not so marvelous thing during the season of gatherings, feasts, and joy is the cold weather and more specifically, the skin harm that it can cause. During cold months, protecting your skin should be everyone’s top priority, old and young, no matter your body shape or skin type. 

Within DC, Rockville, Maryland and Northern Virginia, low freezing temperatures, snow, and winds are all too common during months like January and February. Scarves and other types of outwear accessories are must-haves to keep frostbite or dry skin from happening on the face, ears, neck, and mouth. But just like we must break out our winter wardrobe to prepare for wintertime blissfulness from November to March, we must also ready our skin for the cold to prevent it from damage, especially since the largest organ of the body is the skin, covering roughly 20 square feet. 

The Cold Months Can Be Brutal to Your Skin

Cold weather can wreak havoc on the on your skin causing it to dehydrate. Dehydration can cause the skin to feel dry and itchy, or crack and lips become chapped and damaged. This can lead to long term issues like scarring that leave your skin looking less than desirable. 

On top of the damage our skin undergoes during the winter, wrinkles and fine lines can start to become more visible on dry skin causing people to look older than they really are. Then some feel they must undergo Botox, Restylane or another type of cosmetic surgery procedure to achieve their youthful appearance, which is not always the steps that need to be taken. Cold air is not the only factor for dry skin in cold months, but additionally, time spent inside the well-heated house can dry out the skin, decreasing moisture in the skin. 

To help keep your skin protected this winter, here are some hints and winter skin care tips 

Add Greenery to Your Life 

skin care tips cold months

During cold months in the DC, Maryland and Northern Baltimore Maryland areas, redecorate the house, room or office space with some fresh new plants. House plants can promote hydration in your place since plants release water into the air through the process of photosynthesis. Hydration in the air helps your skin maintain it’s moisture and integrity during the cold months. 

Add a Layer Over Your Skin While Inside 

While in the house, it is essential to keep your delicate skin on your hands and feet intact. To help keep from loss of moisture in your skin, wear gloves when you are washing the dishes. After washing your hands, add a layer of hand moisturizer for added protection. Rather than walking around barefoot in your house, wear socks made of cotton to keep in existing moisture. 

Upgrade your Skin Care – Try Medical Grade Skin Care 

Ingredients found in Medical grade skincare contain a higher concentration of essential components that can help preserve skin hydration. To protect your skin from elements, apply daytime moisturizer, and to keep your skin hydrated through dry cold winter nights, use nighttime moisturizers. If you have dry skin chose a cream cleanser to apply. 

On top of your cleaners, on a weekly basis, use an exfoliating scrub, which removes dry dead skin and can help you maintain fresh looking skin. Toners and facial masks are also a great way to condition your skin because they deeply penetrate you’re pores and help preserve your skin for years to follow, no matter the season or weather. To give your skin additional support all year long; on a quarterly, semi-yearly or yearly basis, depending on your skin type Facials or Microdermabrasion can help you maintain a youthful appearance. 

Don’t Forget Your Lips 

To hydrate your lips, use a balm or chapstick that has natural oils in it. Common oils that help hydrate cracked or chapped lips are shea butter, olive oil, or coconut oil. 

Exfoliate your lips as well when you are doing your daily skin care routine. To exfoliate lips, either use your face exfoliate as long as it is approved to do so by your plastic surgeon or dermatologist or try using sugar and oil. And finally, for extra moisture, apply a few drops of honey to your lips at night. 

Skin can change as we age through the seasons and for many other reasons. It is important to have a skin care regimen that is tailored to your specific needs and skin type. 

Come to AT Cosmetics for Skin Care Relief from the Cold Months

As a board-certified plastic surgeon, I’ve provided effective cosmetic surgical and non-surgical procedures to many satisfied Maryland clients. I have a clear sense of the individual needs of my patients’ skin and can offer services that may greatly reduce the harm that can be caused to skin in the wintertime. Don’t wait until it’s too late. To learn more about medical-grade skin care , contact AT Cosmetics at 301-656-6398 today.

December 23, 2010 8:45 am
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