301-656-6398  |  703-442-4919
Adam G. Tattlebaum M.D.

The Joys of a go Kart

So this plastic surgeon, thanks to the urging of my 13 year old son, is finally building his first go kart. There is no plastic surgery message in this blog post other than for those of you who know me I love creating things with my hands in the operating room or at home in my garage. This summer, I attended two macramé classes with my daughter, and now the go kart. Just before the summer my son got the urge to have a go kart as he watched a friend in the neighborhood tool around on one his father had purchased. “I also want to learn to weld” he announced. I was relieved about that. Buying him a go kart would have felt like I was spoiling him (let alone the cost!), but building a go kart seemed like an opportunity to learn about mechanics, engineering and even electricity. Not sure how serious he was, I bought a book about welding on Amazon and mailed it to him while he was in summer camp. “Did you read the book?” I asked when he returned. “ Every word”, he said. I didn’t really believe it until I started reading the book and asked him questions about it. He seemed to have memorized all 300 pages Well thank G-d for Craig’slist. A chop saw, grinder and a welding machine later we are well into this project enjoying not only our accomplishments but our time together. My son welds better than I do, but don’t tell him I said that. Our project together has been my joy. I may post some photos when I’m done, and yes I am being very careful with my hands. To learn more fun facts about our building progress follow me on facebook or to schedule a consultation feel free to contact me!

October 17, 2011 5:27 pm
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