301-656-6398  |  703-442-4919
Adam G. Tattlebaum M.D.

Three Ultimate Reasons Why It is Never Too Late to Have Plastic Surgery

Three Ultimate Reasons Why It is Never Too Late to Have Plastic Surgery

The American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery has done research that shows that people over the age of 65 are having cosmetic surgery at 1,263% of the rate they did 20 years ago. Face lifts and blepharoplasty have significantly grown in popularity over the past five years. As we become more emerged in a pop-culture world, our cultural notions of beauty continue to evolve. We start to notice new features of our bodies that we are unhappy with and choose to alter them to our satisfaction.

The facts speak for themselves. At AT Cosmetics, we want to show you why many people are electing to have cosmetic surgery. There is a multitude of reasons why people of any age would opt for surgery to make themselves more attractive. Opting for plastic surgery is nothing to be ashamed of. In fact, taking the first step to improve your confidence and self-esteem is something to be proud of. Check out our top three reasons why it is never too late to have plastic surgery.

You Have Taken Care of Everyone Else, Now You Should Take Care of Yourself

Family bonds matter to us. We cherish the warmth and love we share with all our family members. Spending time with our siblings, parents, and grandparents are among our fondest memories. Grandparents and grandchildren boost each other’s well-being, and share a connection unlike any other.

People of advanced age have cared for their family members their whole life. When people get to a certain age, they often find that it is the right time to start taking care of themselves. It is easy to neglect your own emotional well-being as you care for children and grandchildren. Cosmetic surgery can give your appearance a boost. Spending your whole life putting others first is a rewarding feeling but can leave your confidence feeling a bit low. It is time to focus on yourself and your wellbeing so that you can feel as good about yourself as you make others feel.

You Can Give Yourself a Confidence Boost

As many as one in five people over the age of 65 report feelings of sadness and depression. At AT Cosmetics, we want people to feel happier with themselves. Studies have shown that having plastic surgery boosts people’s self-esteem. Haircuts and the application of makeup have also been known to help with self-image, but plastic surgery can lead to long-term increases in self-esteem.  

We believe that there should not be any negative social stigma to plastic surgery. Spending time obsessing over small details of your face or body is not only wasteful, but harmful to your confidence levels. A confident you makes for a stronger, more beautiful person who can conquer anything the world throws at them. If a simple procedure or filler would allow you this feeling, why not take it?

You Can Look as Young as You Feel

In a national poll, it was found that 90% of people think that women are under more pressure than men to look younger. Around 75% of American women use skin products to make themselves appear more youthful. People who have had plastic surgery will continue to age naturally, but in some respects they will look like they are a bit younger.

Everyone who undergoes surgery experiences different effects. Because your face is unique, you might not respond to surgery in the same way everyone else does. Those who wish to look younger have a few options that they may want to consider. Consult your surgeon about the look you are aiming for.

When you feel confident in the skin you are in, you ultimately feel better all around. Having confidence will alter your life in countless ways. The way you feel will show from the inside out, and allow you to approach your life in a more positive, optimistic way.

If you have any questions about cosmetic surgery in the Virginia or DC area, call Adam Tattelbaum today. He is a skilled, personable, and experienced plastic surgeon and will work with you to create your best, most confident self. Call us today at 301-656-6398 for a consultation.

October 3, 2017 1:05 pm
Categories: Blog, Plastic Surgery


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