301-656-6398  |  703-442-4919
Adam G. Tattlebaum M.D.

4 Tips for a Successful Recovery After a Breast Augmentation

4 Tips for a Successful Recovery After a Breast Augmentation

With breast augmentation becoming increasingly popular, it is important to be well aware of the recovery procedures and how to maintain the new changes post-surgery. While the surgery and the results are what patients focus on the most, it is critical that they also understand what steps to take once they enter the recovery period.

Follow these tips to ensure a successful recovery:

Get Plenty of Rest

Breast implant recovery normally demands that patients decrease the amount of physical activity for 3 to 7 days after the surgery before slowly resuming more laborious tasks. Because of this, you’ll find that you’ll be resting a lot more than usual. Getting enough sleep and taking breaks throughout the day is critical for a good recovery.

Although this may seem obvious, not everyone takes the time to do it. Make sure that in the first few days after your surgery, that you have a comfortable bed to rest on, and a place that is quiet. Having some books, magazines or Netflix will help pass the time, and make it more enjoyable.

Stay Hydrated

Up to 75 percent of Americans are dehydrated. Drinking water is known to provide many benefits including an increase in metabolism and also decreases your chances of cancer.

Right after surgery, you may feel nauseous due to the anesthesia. You may also feel this way as a result of the medication taken after surgery. Whatever the case may be, being hydrated will help reduce nausea, and prevent dehydration.

Pain Management

It is quite common to experience moderate discomfort after the procedure. Some women will generally feel pressure or some sort of firm strain across their chest. Due to this, your doctor will provide you with a prescription for pain-killers for the first few days.

Make certain that you have these medications at hand and near your bed for easier accessibility. Having your painkillers and anti-nausea medication will help reduce any pain or discomfort associated with the recovery.

Wearing the Correct Clothing

Right after the surgery, it is important to have the correct bra that will provide you with maximum support. You should purchase your bra in large sizes, and have them with you on the day of the surgery so they are accessible.

It is critical that the bra also has a belt or zipper in the front so there are no issues putting it on or taking it off, and to reduce any possible discomfort. If you have a sports bra at home that closes in the front, this can be ideal as well. Either way, having the right bra after surgery can go a long way and is worth wearing until you completely recover.

Whether you have shooting pain, a slight discomfort, or don’t have much knowledge on what to do after your breast augmentation, follow this guide. You’ll be able to reduce any pain or discomfort, prevent dehydration, and shorten recovery time.

If you have recently had this procedure done and are experiencing unusual pain, it may be a good idea to consult with your cosmetic surgeon. They will be able to provide you with the information that you need. Following up with your doctor is a must. They will be able to guide you and can help you with any issues that you may be having.

Here at AT Cosmetics, we want to enhance your look and help you get the best results for your breast augmentation. Schedule a consultation with Dr. Tattelbaum today. 301-656-6398

December 5, 2017 8:01 am
Categories: Blog, Breast Augmentation


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