301-656-6398  |  703-442-4919
Adam G. Tattlebaum M.D.

What Exactly is a Mommy Makeover?

mommy makeover

In the modern era, the term “mommy makeover” gets used a lot on web sites and in marketing. In my own practice, I call it postpartum restoration which I think sounds more professional and true to the actual focus of the surgery. Whether it’s a makeover or restoration the goal is the same. It’s about making women who have had children feel normal again and it is one of the most rewarding parts of my practice. 

The Components of a Mommy Makeover

There are usually two components to this kind of restoration: breast enhancement and rejuvenation of the abdomen. 

Breast Enhancement 

In a rather cruel way, the breasts enlarge with childbearing, but they often deflate after the weaning phase, unfortunately leaving even less volume than before pregnancy. This makes the breasts sag. My patients who have had children complain of feeling “deflated” after pregnancy and they just want to feel and look normal again, nothing more, nothing less. Through breast augmentation or a breast lift – and sometimes both – I help to restore for them the balance of what used to be.

Tummy Enhancement 

mommy makeover surgery

The other part of a mommy makeover is the tummy. While sometimes the skin of the tummy will shrink back on its own well after delivery, often it does not. Some women will do well with their first pregnancy but not with the second. The usual treatment here is commonly known as a tummy tuck. What! A tummy tuck, not liposuction? Yes, when the skin becomes loose, wavy saggy or irregular it needs to be tightened. Liposuction makes skin looser, not tighter because it removes fat and does not affect the way the skin is connected to the body. 

I guide my patients by first pinching on their tummies before making any plans for the procedure. If the skin tone is good (which is unusual for the postpartum period) I will often recommend liposuction. If the skin is loose I may recommend full or mini tummy tuck depending on how much I can pinch, which varies from patient to patient. 

More Than Meets the Eye

“My husband says I should just go to the gym and work it off…” is something I hear daily. What the men often don’t understand is that the problem isn’t the muscles at all. The problem is the “overstretched” skin, which cannot be changed or removed by exercise no matter how often a mom goes to the gym. Women with loose skin who diet, exercise and do everything right usually see weight loss. 

Paradoxically the weight loss leads to even more loosening of the skin and, therefore an even greater need for a visit to me for a tummy tuck.

Ready For Your Mommy Makeover? Choose Dr. Adam Tattelbaum

No matter what they need, each mom is different, and each may need her own subtle surgical variations for either breasts or tummy. I know this and tailor each and every procedure to the individual patient. That way, they are clear about what will happen and are happiest with the results. If you feel loose or deflated after childbirth and would like to be evaluated, please contact our office today. To schedule a consultation, please feel free to call my office at 301-900-5725 or contact us online.

March 10, 2010 6:38 pm
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