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Adam G. Tattlebaum M.D.


Restore Your Youthfulness Without Surgery

At AT Cosmetic Surgery in Maryland Dr. Adam Tattelbaum reports he is seeing a tremendous jump in the injectable procedures. Dr. Tattelbaum says, “Botox has the ability to help relax muscles which reduces wrinkles but when you combine this with fillers the results are amazing.  What happens is the muscles relax due to the Botox and then we can use fillers to help fill in the areas of concern”. Injectable fillers, or derma fillers are an excellent treatment for those who want to rejuvenate their aging skin and reduce the signs of wrinkles.  The results offer a very natural and… Read More

Study Shows How Men and Women Differ in What They Believe is Attractive

A recent study by Dr. Chris Solomon of the University of Kentinto asked 100 people to rate the physical features.  This has enable scientists to electronically generate the faces of the most beautiful men and women.  This study was conducted in the UK so obviously it will vary in Asian and African countries. The results are interesting, the most attractive woman would have a heart-shaped face with full lips and striking eyebrows.  The most beautiful man was found to have a strong jawline covered in stubble and dark hair.  Interestingly, women rated full lips, large eyes, and high cheekbones as most… Read More

Liposuction on the rise for men patients

Liposuction on the rise for men patients The American Society of Plastic Surgeon has just released its annual statistical report.   The report states that the number of surgical and non-surgical procedures between 2013-2014 stayed very consistent.  Despite the overall consistency there have been some shifts in who is getting what procedure done.  The number of men having cosmetic procedures is on the rise with liposuction being one of the most popular amongst men. The most popular procedure amongst men and women was liposuction for 2014.  With a total number of procedure performed clocking in at 342,494.  Other popular procedures were… Read More

More Men Having Cosmetic Procedures

More Men in Washington Having Botox Performed. The American Society of Plastic Surgery said that over 385,000 men are expected to have cosmetic procedures performed in 2014.  Dr. Adam Tattelbaum says, “as competition grows in the workforce we are seeing an increase in Men visiting for these procedures”.  Dr. Tattelbaum says he has seen a steady increase in Men visiting his medspa for procedures like Botox. Dr. Tattelbaum says, “Washington DC is a very competitive market and men want to look the best they can.  Not only are they buying great suits but they are having Botox and Injection Fillers… Read More

Many Men Struggle with Man Boobs

I have had many men come into my office a bit embarrassed by the way they look in a t-shirt. For many, they have heard the term “man boobs” and have cringed. It can be a problem with a very easy solution with male breast reduction. Using simple techniques designed to minimize scarring we can bring your chest into proportion. Men need breast reduction for all different reasons. You may have recently lost weight and notice that the loss of fat is causing your chest to sag. Or, this could have been a lifelong problem you are finally interested in… Read More

Natural Breast Augmentation

With rare exception my breast augmentation patients arrive with the request that they want to look  ” not too big, not too small, and as natural as possible.” I’m on board. I like my patients to look lovely an believable. I like a result where the patients can dress their figures up or down depending upon the circumstances. Business like when needed. Sensual when desired. The task is not as easy as one might think. Many of my patients come in with preconceived notions based on headless photos and information that is not always correct on what I call ”… Read More

A few words from one of my patients- Post operative emotions.

What follows below is a blog post that I can’t take credit for. A former patient of mine has become a friend and wrote the words below. I am grateful to her for sharing a patient’s post operative perspective and I value her insights. As a plastic surgeon, I spend a great deal of time trying to prepare my patients for their surgeries, but what happens at home postoperatively is in the realm of the patient that I don’t get to see. My thanks for her perspective. If I can still learn from my patients then I hope it will help you as… Read More

Quilting the Tummy Tuck?

For decades, a standard tummy tuck involved lifting up the loose abdominal skin, repairing relaxed muscles, then pulling down and cutting off the extra skin. The analogy is much like pulling a sheet tight on a bed and cutting off the extra. The tightened skin was left to stick to the abdominal wall with gentle pressure from wearing a compressive binder as the patient healed. A drain was placed so that fluid would not accumulate under the healing skin and keep it from sticking to the abdominal wall. Fluid collections are known as seromas. Recently two surgeons, brothers, in the Midwest began sewing the… Read More

How many drains? One, Two or none?

Drains are tubes that are left under the skin during an operation. They are used to remove pockets of fluid that can accumulate. After any surgery, the tissues ooze fluid to a certain degree as they heal. Fluid collections during healing can sometimes lead to infection. Despite this some areas are more prone to collections than others and not all surgeries need drains. Usually drains are removed within a week or so when there is little fluid coming out. The fluid enters a small clear bulb that looks like a grenade. The idea of removing a drain scares patients, but it is more… Read More

A recurring problem with liposuction.

Over the past few years I have seen an increasingly common pattern in patients coming in for abdominal enhancement. I am writing about it now in this blog, hoping you will read it and be able to avoid the same problem. The scenario: a woman will come in concerned about a liposuction that was done elsewhere. When I examine the patient I find a wavy irregular lower abdomen over liposuctioned, and a full under suctioned upper abdomen. Bulgy top, wavy Bottom. The conversation goes something like this: So you had liposuction? Yes, it looked like a good deal. You had your liposuction… Read More


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