301-656-6398  |  703-442-4919
Adam G. Tattlebaum M.D.

Breast Augmentation

Natural Breast Augmentation

With rare exception my breast augmentation patients arrive with the request that they want to look  ” not too big, not too small, and as natural as possible.” I’m on board. I like my patients to look lovely an believable. I like a result where the patients can dress their figures up or down depending upon the circumstances. Business like when needed. Sensual when desired. The task is not as easy as one might think. Many of my patients come in with preconceived notions based on headless photos and information that is not always correct on what I call ”… Read More

Dr. Adam Tattlebaum Reviews Breast Implant Manufacturers

Implant Update: While I have compared and contrasted silicone vs. saline implants in the past the purpose of this blog is just to give an update on what breast implant options are out there. At the conclusion, I will share my preferences. Summary: Three companies are currently are FDA approved in the United States to make Breast Implants: Mentor Allergan Sientra Mentor and Allergan make saline and silicone implants, Sientra makes only silicone. Each company has its own version of low, moderate and high profile implants. Each company offers round or shaped implants. Each company offers implants that are smooth or… Read More

Dr. Tattelbaum Discussion on Breast Implant Techniques

An Overview of Breast Implant Techniques For this article I would like to go beyond the basic facts that are posted all over the internet and give a personal opinion based on almost two decades of experience and thousands of breast implant procedures performed. This blog covers the most frequently asked breast implant questions: 1)      Under or over the muscle: I generally favor implants under the muscle because they tend to look more natural.  This is because the muscle gives a gentle slope to the upper breast. When the breast implant lies under the muscle mammograms are easier to interpret. Infection… Read More

How Long Should Breast Implants Last?

One of the most common questions we receive regarding breast augmentation Maryland is “how long will my breast implants last?” For many people breast implants will last a lifetime when properly cared for and not impacted by rupture or defects that will require their replacement. Manufacturers of breast implants design them to last a lifetime. We often hear that breast implants should be replaced every 10 years. This is simply not the case, we have many patients that have had implants for over 20 years. Of course this varies from patient to patient and over time many patients opt for breast… Read More

Cosmetic Surgery Maryland by Dr Adam Tattelbaum

Dr. Adam Tattelbaum has been in the field of plastic surgery Maryland for over 20 years. Dr. Tattelbaum has helped thousands of cosmetic surgery patients reach their aesthetic goals. Dr. Tattelbaum is considered one of the best plastic surgeons in Maryland, Washington, DC and Northern VA for breast augmentation, body contouring, facial procedures and more. Many cosmetic surgeons claim to have the latest in technology and equipment however experience is the key to having great cosmetic surgery Maryland results. Dr. Tattelbaum has by far the best before and after results in the Maryland and DC area. With over 20 years of experience he has… Read More

Breast Implants Over or Under The Muscle

If you are considering breast augmentation Maryland it is likely that you would like more beautiful breasts. I have always prided myself on creating beautiful natural results for my patients. I’m able to create these natural results through my years of experience, skills, and judgment. Often clients will ask whether they should go over or under the muscle with respect to implant placement. Breast Implants placed below the muscle submuscular, or subpectoral, plane or position. Breast Implants placed above the muscle are in the subglandular position under the breast gland but over the muscle. Most women considering breast augmentation are usually fairly informed… Read More

Dr. Adam Tattelbaum Reviews Silicone vs Saline Breast Implants

Rather than comparing and contrasting silicone implants Maryland and saline implants Maryland, which has already been done many times, I thought it would be more helpful to give my opinion on the subject. At this stage, about five years after the FDA allowed silicone gel implants back on the market and hundreds of implants later, here is my opinion- I like silicone gel implants. As I strive to give my patients the most natural results, silicone wins hands down. Silicone implants have a softer and more natural feel. The gel in the implants gravitates toward the bottom of the breast… Read More

What’s a Breast Augmentation Refund Gap?

refund gap

What’s a breast augmentation “refund gap”? In a Q&A chat room, I was asked the question, “How do I avoid a refund gap?” I had never heard this term before so I Googled it. I learned that a refund gap is a situation in which the breast implants have migrated so far apart that there is a large gap between the implants – so the patients request a refund. After 18 years in practice, I thought I should post a blog and tell you how I avoid this. The Best Breast Implant PlacementAs you may know, I prefer breast implants… Read More

When should I change my breast implants?

Many patients have confusion about when a breast implant exchange is necessary. Some of the confusion is because plastic surgeons have differing opinions. Here I share my thoughts. If you have a saline implant and you are doing well, look good and are happy, then I see no need to replace it. Basically, if it’s not broke don’t fix it. While the leakage rate of saline implants starts to climb after 10 years, I have seen patients with saline implants placed more than 20 years ago who are doing just fine, having no problems. If a saline implant leaks, it… Read More

Which incision for a breast implant?

I saw a young woman last week, and I have seen quite a few like her over the years. She had breast augmentation done elsewhere about 4 months ago. She was concerned that her breast implants were too high. Everyone starts out big, tight and high, but by 4 months most people are dropping nicely, and she wasn’t. It turns out that she had her breast implants placed through the armpit. While it sounds cool and sexy implants that are too high or don’t drop are a common consequence in this approach. During breast augmentation the lower insertion of the… Read More


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