301-656-6398  |  703-442-4919
Adam G. Tattlebaum M.D.


Misapplied Botox: Dispelling the Rumors

botox treatments

Botox procedures seem to be subject to an unusually large number of myths and rumors, some of which are untrue while some are quite outlandish. One of these myths portrays Botox as prone to misapplication, causing permanent disfigurement. While it’s true that some can mishandle a dermal filler and apply it to the wrong part of the face, only inexperienced and unskilled surgeons are foolish enough to do it! This article will examine Botox and dispel the countless rumors levied against its use. Misapplied Botox Is a Rarity When an inexperienced practitioner injects Botox into the wrong area, the substance… Read More

Understanding The Risks Of Phony Botox

botox procedures

When you go to a plastic surgeon to get Botox treatments, you expect to walk away with the assurance that the fillers the surgeon injected into your face were the real deal.  If your surgeon is board-certified and has glowing testimonials, then you can rest easy that your Botox procedure was safe and successful. However, a recent warning issued by the FDA has highlighted the importance of making sure that authentic, quality substance was used by your surgeon.  The FDA has warned in the past that they had uncovered several vials of counterfeit Botox offered by US-based cosmetic surgeons. This… Read More

Putting Your Best Face Forward With a Facelift


As a board-certified plastic surgeon, I help my patients address the signs of facial aging on a daily basis. As plastic surgeons, we have many tools in our toolbox, so-to-speak, to help slow down, and in some cases, turn back the aging process… at least for a while.  While botox and fillers may be right for the younger patient trying to hide subtle changes of aging, chemical peels may do better for the next level of patients. And for those with finer lines and wrinkles, a facelift is a worthy option to explore. Specific situations where a facelift is a… Read More

Five Ways to Accentuate the Appearance of Your Brow Lift

brow lift

As we age, our skin naturally loses elasticity and begins to droop. One of the areas where this is most prominent is on the brow line. It’s common to be frustrated by a sagging brow and eyelids. Fortunately, a brow lift or browpexy can gently lift the brow back up. Eyelid surgery can make the lids look less heavy and more youthful. With or without eyelid or brow surgery there are some things that patients can do to help accentuate their brows: Have Your Brows Professionally Shaped While natural brows are certainly “in” right now, some men and women may… Read More

How to Get Rid of Forehead Wrinkles

forehead wrinkles

Of all the types of wrinkles that can appear on the skin, forehead wrinkles are often the most noticeable and the most annoying for my patients. Below, I’ll discuss why forehead wrinkles tend to develop so prominently and what you can do to get rid of them. Why Do Forehead Wrinkles Form? Certainly, time is the biggest culprit when it comes to forehead wrinkles. Aging is the number one cause. However, several other factors may cause forehead lines as well. Namely, over-exposure to the harmful UV rays of the sun or tanning beds can exacerbate the signs of aging and… Read More

Four Injectables That Slow Down the Aging Process


Anti-aging injections or “injectables” offer a minimally invasive solution to wrinkled and creased skin, shallow facial contours, thin lips, recessed scars, sagging eyelids, and more. Some injectables that are referred to as dermal fillers essentially restore plumpness, volume, and youth to the face. Who Needs Anti-Wrinkle Injectables? I generally recommend injectables to adults who have lost some of their skin’s elasticity. As we age, we naturally lose collagen in the skin. In turn, that bouncy, plump appearance of youth can be lost. Many factors such as smoking, sun exposure, and overall lifestyle can also influence a patient’s need for injectables…. Read More

How to Take Care of Your Lips in the Summer Sun

lip care tips

Much of lip care is about having the right products available at the right times. During the summer months, while many people concern themselves only with their skin by using sunscreen (which is great!), I always remind my patients not to forget about their lips. While certainly a continuation of the skin and an admittedly small part of the face, lip care during the summer is crucial to maintaining a flawless smile. Below, we’ll go over some key lip care tips to follow this summer. But first, let’s talk lip augmentation. Considering Lip Augmentation? Here’s What You Need to Know… Read More

Can My Facelift Look Natural?

natural looking facelift

Facial rejuvenation can work wonders for enhancing your looks and boost your confidence, all of which adds to its popularity.  One way to refresh your look is with a facelift, but whether or not to get a facelift can be a huge decision to make – understandably so.  Although I am highly recommended to them, many of my clients still ask if they’ll get a natural looking facelift. Obviously, no one wants to look as if they had something done.What is a Facelift?Before discussing what makes a facelift look natural, and how you’re going to look afterward, I want to… Read More

The Truth About Eyelid Surgery

eyelid surgery

When you think about the signs of aging, more than likely, facial wrinkles and fine lines come to mind. But there’s another perhaps more prominent sign of aging on the face – drooping eyelids, which can make you look tired or fatigued, and of course, older.  Not surprisingly, eyelid surgery is popular. In a 2017 report from the American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS),  eyelid surgery is listed among the top five cosmetic surgical procedures. As a board-certified plastic surgeon, it’s one of the many services offered here at my office. But what does eyelid surgery entail and address?  … Read More

What is the Best Age for a Facelift?

best age for face lift

Deciding whether or not to get a facelift can be a tough decision, with much to consider. Do I really need a facelift? Am I too young to get a facelift? Am I too old to get a facelift? What is the best age for a facelift? There is no definitive answer for the best age because many different factors play into the aging process – the biggest ones being genetics, diet, and lifestyle. Here at my office – Adam G. Tattelbaum M.D., a Board-Certified Plastic Surgeon, we look at everyone individually and customize each treatment plan.  So, what is… Read More


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