301-656-6398  |  703-442-4919
Adam G. Tattlebaum M.D.


Differences Between Eyelid Surgery and Brow Lifts

What are the Differences Betwee Eyelid Surgery and Brow Lift

They say that the eyes are the windows to the soul. The eyes usually express our thoughts and emotions. Because eyes are essential to us both physiologically and aesthetically, we must do our best to keep them in their best condition. However, like most parts of our face, our eyes are subject to the effects of aging. Signs like drooping eyes, dark circles, eye wrinkles, crow’s feet and baggy eyelids are the usual effects of prolonged sun exposure, genetics and old age. Aside from the physical effects, these conditions can also affect sight, especially in older people. Although there are some… Read More

Does Botox Really Prevent Wrinkles?

Does botox prevent wrinkles?

Botox Cosmetic™ is the most popular non-surgical treatment that both women and men choose to undergo in an attempt to reduce the appearance of their wrinkles. 6.7 million people got Botox™-like procedures done in 2015. There are three major types of toxins to decide from: Botox Cosmetic™, Dysport and Xeomin. Despite millions of success stories, many people are still skeptical about whether Botox™ really does prevent wrinkles. Read below to find out if it does.What Exactly is Botox™?Botox™ is made from Botulinum toxin A. It is derived from bacterium Clostridium Botulinum, which is an organism found in the natural environment.  If… Read More

All About Under-Eye Fillers

Everything you need to know about under-eye fillers.

Looking tired and having dark under-eyes can have a huge impact on your overall image. Hollow eyes can be genetic, or due to environmental factors such as sun exposure. Volume loss due to aging can cause the appearance of lines or depressions around the eyes.In some cases, under-eye fillers can be used to enhance the hollow area under the eyes known as the tear trough, a depression where the eyelid skin meets the cheek skin.Here is what you should consider when choosing under-eye fillers:The Basics of Dermal FillersDermal fillers, also known as facial fillers, are injected into the face to… Read More

Top 5 Tips To Make Your Skin Glow

Top 5 Tips To Make Your Skin Glow

While beauty may only be skin-deep, the importance of taking care of your skin goes much deeper. Many of us only think of skin in surface terms as the body’s outer visible layer. However, Maryland plastic surgeons will tell you your skin is an organ that is in charge of many important duties. What sets your skin apart from other organs in your body is the fact that you can directly apply moisturizers, medicines, and other substances to it. This means that there is absolutely no reason why you can’t have beautiful, glowing skin throughout the rest of your life…. Read More

The 411 on Lip Augmentation

lip augmentation

Lip augmentation, commonly referred to as lip fillers, is on the rise. Although they’re not for everyone, public curiosity has skyrocketed, making it one of the top-searched for cosmetic procedure on the web. Whether you’re thinking about a little touch up, or a complete lip boost, this form of augmentation is quite effective and quick.What are Lip Fillers? In today’s modern world, lip fillers are now composed of hyaluronic acid, which is a naturally forming acid found in the body. It’s a highly effective and practical ingredient in cosmetics, and is not only used for lip augmentations. For example, you… Read More

Your Guide to Fillers

Your Guide to Fillers

Everyone wants smooth, flawless skin. A great way to achieve this goal is with the help of fillers. Fillers fix everything from fine lines and wrinkles to lifeless lips. Before you commit, read our tips on everything you need to know about fillers.Prepare yourselfIf you have never received any kind of Botox or filler injection, then you may not know that you should steer clear of any blood-thinning medications before the procedure. Anticoagulants like aspirin and ibuprofen work to prevent blood clotting, which increases your risk of bruising if the needle hits a blood vessel. For this reason, avoid any… Read More

What is the Difference Between Botox, Dysport, and Xeomin?

With all of the cosmetic treatments available today, it can be a bit confusing to decipher which is best. The truth is, there are many options that can help you with your image. Discussing with your doctor your problem areas is a good way to start deciding which treatment is best for you. When it comes to fixing frown lines, there are three major options to choose from: Botox, Dysport and Xeomin. Read below to understand the difference amongst the three.What are they used for?Botox, Dysport and Xeomin are all neuromodulators that work to temporarily reduce or eliminate wrinkles by… Read More

Celebrities Influence Lip Filler Procedures

The lip filler procedure is the latest thing to come under the influence of ­­­Keeping up with the Kardashians. Kylie Jenner admitted to having the cosmetic procedure done. This has spurred high interest from teens and those in the 20- to 30-age bracket. When Kylie admitted to having the work done on the show, it sparked a riot on social media. Youngsters to,  the Kylie Jenner Lip Challenge, sucking into a shot glass to temporarily maximize their lips. But many older teens and young 20-somethings are going further. An article in the New York Daily News quoted numerous teens who… Read More

Restore Your Youthfulness Without Surgery

At AT Cosmetic Surgery in Maryland Dr. Adam Tattelbaum reports he is seeing a tremendous jump in the injectable procedures. Dr. Tattelbaum says, “Botox has the ability to help relax muscles which reduces wrinkles but when you combine this with fillers the results are amazing.  What happens is the muscles relax due to the Botox and then we can use fillers to help fill in the areas of concern”. Injectable fillers, or derma fillers are an excellent treatment for those who want to rejuvenate their aging skin and reduce the signs of wrinkles.  The results offer a very natural and… Read More

Voluma so far…

Allergan, the company that makes Botox, breast implants and Juviderm products is now heavily pushing its latest filler Voluma. I see it marketed on TV all the time before the evening news. From the commercials it really is not clear to me that their beautiful models have had treatment with Voluma, but boy they sure are very attractive. For those of you who know me, and I hope if your reading this by now you at least feel like you know me, I am skeptical of new things. I don’t jump on bandwagons easily, but so far I really like… Read More


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