301-656-6398  |  703-442-4919
Adam G. Tattlebaum M.D.


The Best Botox® Procedure: What You Need to Know

botox procedure

Every day I see ads in newspapers, magazines, and circulars offering Botox® at insanely low prices. It leaves me wondering how patients really know that they’re getting good Botox® treatment. For example, many patients may not know that it is able to be reconstituted with sterile water, and in many clinics, it often is. If you add more water and you may stretch a bottle farther, but you also may see less of a result. Because of this common practice, older Botox® may not work as well as a freshly opened bottle. So, paying for Botox® by the site can… Read More

Facelift, S-Lift, Thread Lift, Lifestyle Lift: Which One Should I Choose?


The names of procedures that are marketed today for facial rejuvenation can sound like alphabet soup and can be very confusing for patients. Terms like rhytidectomy may be clear to doctors or surgeons, but often mean very little to patients. Let’s simplify it a bit. Facelifts fall into one of two categories: mini or full. You may have heard of the ones with the cute names like S-lift, Thread lift, or Lifestyle lift. These are often marketed in the popular magazines, but in reality, they are merely variations on the mini-facelift. So which one do I recommend? The answer is… Read More


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