301-656-6398  |  703-442-4919
Adam G. Tattlebaum M.D.

Hair Transplants

Hair Transplant: Artas Robotic hair transplantation with a hair of Neograft

Neograft/Artas Robot combo : As many of you know our hair group was the first adopter of the Artas hair transplant robot in the metro D.C. Area. We have been fortunate enough to be able to use our center for teaching the intricacy of this machine to others as well. Artas has grown with us over the past three years; evolving to better software and extraordinary efficiency in the correct candidates. We have also learned some of the limitations of the machine. Artas thinks like a robot. It does an amazing job of follicular unit extraction in its neatly prescribed boxes,… Read More

Hair Thickness- Just when you think you’ve heard it all!

I’ve been in practice now for almost 20 years. Over that time I have fielded thousands of questions, to the point that I get surprised when I come across a question I have not already answered or pondered before. I met with a gentleman yesterday considering hair transplant for male pattern baldness. He had seen other doctors and had done a good deal of research. I like it when patients have done their own research, it makes going over details and our own approach easier. We spoke about strip graft versus follicular unit extraction and the robot. We discussed a day of the… Read More

Hair Transplant: FUE or Strip Graft?

Traditionally, hair harvested for transplant has been removed as a strip from the back of the scalp, cut into individual hair shafts under a microscope and transplanted to the front of the head or other areas where the hair is missing. The area where the strip is harvested is then closed. The newest tool in hair transplant is FUE or Follicular Unit Extraction. This tool harvests one hair follicle at a time leaving a small puncture to heal in. Each technology has pros and cons and yet each has a place. While strip excision leaves a scar it is generally… Read More

Hair on, Hair off

The grass is always greener on the other side of the fence. In one room in our facility we spend our days putting in hair, and in another room just down the hall we take it off. Who’d of thunk? Hair transplantation has become ever increasingly popular. So why don’t you see more people who have had it done? You probably do but you just don’t know it, both men and women. It looks that good. The days of big hair plugs, dolls head results and grand surgeries are largely gone. The state of the art is called microfollulicular grafting,… Read More


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