301-656-6398  |  703-442-4919
Adam G. Tattlebaum M.D.


Is a Mommy Makeover Right for Me?

The joy of motherhood is real. So are the aftereffects on your body. Pregnancy, birth and breastfeeding all can leave changes, especially noticeable on your stomach and breasts. Not all these effects can be fixed with diet and exercise. A mommy makeover is cosmetic surgery that addresses the concerns of moms and let them reclaim their bodies. These cosmetic surgery procedures typically include breast lift with breast augmentation and tummy tuck of the abdomen can help you look and feel more like your old self, pre-childbirth. What Can a Mommy Makeover Do for You? If the skin on your abdomen… Read More

Maryland Plastic Surgeon Discusses the Many Different Types of Liposuction Devices

Dr. Adam Tattelbaum a Maryland plastic surgeon  is considered one of the top plastic surgeons in Maryland for body contouring procedures and a liposuction expert.  Dr. Tattelbaum has performed thousands of body contouring procedures at his Maryland, Virginia and Washington DC Plastic Surgery Centers. Dr. Tattelbaum says, “while there are a number of different types of liposuction machines and techniques the best outcomes always come from a skilled liposuction surgeon”.  Dr. Tattelbaum believes if you are seeking body contouring via liposuction you should always seek a surgeon that has performed many liposuction procedures.  Today there are many different lipo machines… Read More

Liposuction on the rise for men patients

Liposuction on the rise for men patients The American Society of Plastic Surgeon has just released its annual statistical report.   The report states that the number of surgical and non-surgical procedures between 2013-2014 stayed very consistent.  Despite the overall consistency there have been some shifts in who is getting what procedure done.  The number of men having cosmetic procedures is on the rise with liposuction being one of the most popular amongst men. The most popular procedure amongst men and women was liposuction for 2014.  With a total number of procedure performed clocking in at 342,494.  Other popular procedures were… Read More

A recurring problem with liposuction.

Over the past few years I have seen an increasingly common pattern in patients coming in for abdominal enhancement. I am writing about it now in this blog, hoping you will read it and be able to avoid the same problem. The scenario: a woman will come in concerned about a liposuction that was done elsewhere. When I examine the patient I find a wavy irregular lower abdomen over liposuctioned, and a full under suctioned upper abdomen. Bulgy top, wavy Bottom. The conversation goes something like this: So you had liposuction? Yes, it looked like a good deal. You had your liposuction… Read More

Arm liposuction 50/50?

Arm liposuction 50/50? A patient saw me in the office yesterday. She is having a tummy tuck and breast reduction this fall. She came in again to discuss adding liposuction of the arms at the same time. She was confused though. She had done her usual research on the internet; technologies guide to cosmetic surgery, and found that only about half of the people who had the procedure in the U.S. were happy with their results. Why? She asked. I explained….the key to arm liposuction is not the fat, but the skin. We can suck fat out of almost anywhere,… Read More

Ultrasonolaserliposuction with Power Boost!

Ok, I made up this name. There is no such thing as “Ultrasonolaserliposuction with Power Boost”, but I wouldn’t be surprised if I saw it advertised somewhere. I really just wanted to capture your attention. I have found that anything associated with the word laser, ultra or the like tends to attract attention. So why am I talking about this? Because a cool device name doesn’t always translate into the right tool for the job. Laser liposuction, Ultrasonic liposuction, Power Assisted liposuction and even good old regular liposuction are all excellent tools. They all remove fat well, but they all shrink up skin poorly, despite… Read More

What is Posterior Flank Liposuction?

posterior flank liposuction

Many of you know that I perform frontal flank liposuction on most of my tummy tucks. For those that need liposuction in this area it gives more curve and contour to the hips, and in my opinion, makes the tummy tuck look more streamlined and sexy. The Frontal and Posterior FlankThe frontal flank is the love handle or the area you can grab if you pinch the roll just above your hips. In some people, this roll is mainly on the side of the body, but in some it extends all the way around above the buttocks. When it goes around the… Read More

Men, Liposuction, and the Military

Men tend to be more shy when it comes to cosmetic plastic surgery. While my practice is about 80% women here in the Washington D.C area the U.S. Military unknowingly sends me a steady stream of male patients. Military doctors have decided that one way to evaluate “fitness for duty” is to have a specific ratio of neck diameter to waist diameter. If this ratio is off a discharge could ensue. While I can’t really change the diameter of the neck, I have liposuctioned liters of abdominal and flank fat from servicemen (and women) at bases all over the Maryland,… Read More

Liposuction Is Not All About the Fat!

liposuction procedure

Each day in my Maryland and Baltimore Maryland offices I see people in consultation for Liposuction. While liposuction is one of the most popular procedures that I perform I find that often it is the most misunderstood. Liposuction is not only about removing the fat – it’s also about the overlying skin and how it sits on the body.  Assessment Before the Liposuction Procedure Liposuction can be used to remove fat from just about any area of the body, but the key to a nice-looking result is having good skin tone, which has as much to do with what happens before as… Read More


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