301-656-6398  |  703-442-4919
Adam G. Tattlebaum M.D.

Plastic Surgery

Debunking Common Concerns about Plastic Surgery

Common Concerns about Plastic Surgery

 American spending on plastic surgery cracked the $15 billion mark fairly recently. Never before in history has plastic surgery been more popular than it is right now. Both men and women are getting a wide variety of plastic surgery treatments done for an even wider variety of reasons.Still, some people have questions and concerns about cosmetic surgery. As a Maryland cosmetic surgeon, I strive to give you the information you need to make a good decision when considering plastic surgery.Misconceptions about Breast ImplantsThere are quite a few different myths about breast implants out there. Some people think that getting breast… Read More

Top 6 2017 Plastic Surgery Procedure Trends

top plastic surgery

2017 has been a big year for plastic surgery so far. It is not over yet. There were more than 17 million procedures performed in 2016. When the numbers are compiled for this year, we may very well see an increase.As Maryland plastic surgeons, we have seen quite a lot. Check out our list of the top 6 plastic surgery procedures below. #6 Breast Reduction Perhaps it is a bit paradoxical, but it is true: often the happiest cosmetic surgery patients are those who have breast augmentations, and breast reductions. Having large breasts is a blessing for some, and a… Read More

Three Ultimate Reasons Why It is Never Too Late to Have Plastic Surgery

Three Ultimate Reasons Why It is Never Too Late to Have Plastic Surgery

The American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery has done research that shows that people over the age of 65 are having cosmetic surgery at 1,263% of the rate they did 20 years ago. Face lifts and blepharoplasty have significantly grown in popularity over the past five years. As we become more emerged in a pop-culture world, our cultural notions of beauty continue to evolve. We start to notice new features of our bodies that we are unhappy with and choose to alter them to our satisfaction.The facts speak for themselves. At AT Cosmetics, we want to show you why many… Read More

Tummy Tuck Philosophy

As many of you know, I do a lot of tummy tucks. It is one of my favorite surgeries because the goal is simple– try to make your patient feel normal again. While you may think repetition could get boring  it is actually good for you, the patient.  It has allowed an efficiency that translates into shorter operative times and consistent results.  It has also allowed me to hone my tummy tuck thinking and improve upon it over the past two decades. Some of the themes of how I approach my patients are listed below. I hope they are helpful as you consider this… Read More

A few words from one of my patients- Post operative emotions.

What follows below is a blog post that I can’t take credit for. A former patient of mine has become a friend and wrote the words below. I am grateful to her for sharing a patient’s post operative perspective and I value her insights. As a plastic surgeon, I spend a great deal of time trying to prepare my patients for their surgeries, but what happens at home postoperatively is in the realm of the patient that I don’t get to see. My thanks for her perspective. If I can still learn from my patients then I hope it will help you as… Read More

Ultrasonolaserliposuction with Power Boost!

Ok, I made up this name. There is no such thing as “Ultrasonolaserliposuction with Power Boost”, but I wouldn’t be surprised if I saw it advertised somewhere. I really just wanted to capture your attention. I have found that anything associated with the word laser, ultra or the like tends to attract attention. So why am I talking about this? Because a cool device name doesn’t always translate into the right tool for the job. Laser liposuction, Ultrasonic liposuction, Power Assisted liposuction and even good old regular liposuction are all excellent tools. They all remove fat well, but they all shrink up skin poorly, despite… Read More

Hair Thickness- Just when you think you’ve heard it all!

I’ve been in practice now for almost 20 years. Over that time I have fielded thousands of questions, to the point that I get surprised when I come across a question I have not already answered or pondered before. I met with a gentleman yesterday considering hair transplant for male pattern baldness. He had seen other doctors and had done a good deal of research. I like it when patients have done their own research, it makes going over details and our own approach easier. We spoke about strip graft versus follicular unit extraction and the robot. We discussed a day of the… Read More

Plastic Surgery on The Young

Plastic Surgery on a very young patient- There is no more controversial topic in plastic surgery than plastic surgery on the younger patient. As a board certified plastic surgeon, I feel that younger patients should need us the least. We are not a substitute for a healthy lifestyle, diet and exercise. There are however certain instances where I find that surgery at a younger age is justified and even beneficial. Here are some examples: Male Breast Reduction: This procedure is indicated in enlarged male breasts or gynecomastia. In certain young men, often for no discernible medical reason, the male breast tissue is… Read More

Maryland Plastic Surgery Prices by Dr. Tattelbaum

Pricing Plastic Surgery In a single day of patient consultations I often have two patients asking about the same surgery. One will tell me my prices are too high, the other will ask me why my prices are low. It’s a paradox that as a physician they just don’t teach you about in medical school. I know medicine. I don’t know marketing, which I hope you will think is an asset. Priced too high will put surgery out of reach for people with achievable goals. In this world of plastic surgery pricing, I strive to be the one in the middle… Read More

Would you let your wife do this?

I answer a lot of questions in my surgical consultations and even pose some for my patients to consider. One of the questions I get asked periodically is “would you let your wife do this?” Now of course as an adult, she makes her own decisions. I guess the question really is… would I support her choices? Each day as I sit across the desk from my patients, I often imagine I am talking to my wife. My wife, my family and friends are the benchmark by which I treat my patients. If a surgery or procedure is something I… Read More


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