301-656-6398  |  703-442-4919
Adam G. Tattlebaum M.D.

Plastic Surgery

Men and plastic surgery

Check out the headline for this recent study: Dallas — Certain types of wound complications are more frequent in men than in women who undergo body contouring procedures after weight loss surgeries, according to new research results. The researchers go on to explain that men have about a four-fold risk of hematoma (blood collection under the skin) and about a twofold risk of seroma formation (fluid trapped under the skin). The authors conclude that they will need more study to understand why men have these increased risks. Now, I wasn’t a part of the study, but after 18 years in… Read More

Wear your Bikini to the Mommy Makeover?

When I plan my mommy makeovers I like my patients to bring in their favorite underwear or even bathing suit with them. No string bikinis please, no lacy panties and no granny panties. Something about an inch or two wide around the hips for a tummy tuck or similar width for a bra under the arms, something not too valuable, in case I get some marker on it. I draw the outline of your garment on your body before plastic surgery and I use the outline as a target in which to hide scars. My incisions are individualized. For example, for… Read More

What’s a fleur de lis tummy tuck (Abdominoplastly)?

A few months ago I saw a woman who had lost over 100 pounds through diet and exercise. She was, without a doubt ready to get rid of all the loose skin hanging from her lower belly. She had seen another doctor who recommended liposuction and a standard tummy tuck, but because of her significant laxity I asked her if she had considered a fleur de lis tummy tuck. She looked at me as though I were crazy, not because she didn’t want the tummy tuck, but because she had never even heard of this procedure. So what’s a fleur… Read More

Herbal supplements and bleeding in Plastic Surgery

If you’ve ever had a cosmetic surgery consult with me, and I hope you have or will, you will see that I walk my patients through what I call “a pretend day of surgery.” Each of my procedure-related talks starts out with telling patients to be sure to avoid aspirin, Ibuprofen and herbal supplements at least 2-3 weeks before their surgery. Well, the aspirin and the Ibuprofen (Motrin, Advil) are pretty easy to remember, but many people forget about the herbal supplements, some of which are regular food products. Many are sold in health food stores and many are potent… Read More

What’s a breast implant funnel?

I’m not a big one to jump on brand new items that come out for plastic surgeons. It seems to me that manufacturers’ want to sell me something that will “revolutionize” my practice on a monthly basis. Most of these things are short lived because they aren’t so revolutionary or just don’t work. In fact, the hype usually far exceeds the science. I feel differently about the breast implant funnel. A plastic surgical colleague was looking for a way to make it easier to insert silicone gel breast implants. Putting in a large silicone gel implant can require a lot… Read More

Spring sprang early

As some of you have undoubtedly noticed I haven’t written a blog in a while. Please accept my apologies. Sometimes work just gets in the way. I like to write my blogs about personal things and real things and I like to do them (as I think they should be done) on my own. It’s just been crazy busy in our office since before the New Year. Usually there’s a period of time in the winter when people see if they succeed or fail at their New Year’s resolutions, but Spring sprang early this year and people started coming in… Read More

Hair on, Hair off

The grass is always greener on the other side of the fence. In one room in our facility we spend our days putting in hair, and in another room just down the hall we take it off. Who’d of thunk? Hair transplantation has become ever increasingly popular. So why don’t you see more people who have had it done? You probably do but you just don’t know it, both men and women. It looks that good. The days of big hair plugs, dolls head results and grand surgeries are largely gone. The state of the art is called microfollulicular grafting,… Read More

Sorry I Kept You Waiting ….

I find myself running behind in the office and sometimes doing what I hate the most… keeping someone waiting for their cosmetic surgery consultation. I am on your side here. I don’t like waiting in the doctor’s office either. So first and foremost if you are reading this and I have kept you waiting, or will keep you waiting, I offer you my sincere apologies. There is more to this blog however. I thought you might find it interesting to know how and why we can get backed up. —–The cascading arrival time: While we have a good scheduling program… Read More

PIP and safety of Breast implants

Recently a French manufacturer of silicone breast implants, Poly Implant Prothèse or PIP, came under Investigation by the French government for using low grade silicone in their silicone gel breast implants. The French have recommended that patients with these implants have them removed and replaced as a preventive, but not urgent matter. These breast implants are not approved for use in the United States and I have never used them in my practice. The concern is only relevant for patients who have had breast augmentation outside the United States. The only gel breast implants approved for use in the United… Read More

Don’t try this at home

This is a follow up to a blog I posed a few weeks ago about the pencil test. I am going to describe a sequence of operations that I really do not advocate but I hope makes sense when I describe it. Every month or two, I will see a woman with a double D or more breasts who wants me to do a breast lift and give them gravity defying breasts. Now I can do a breast lift on just about any size breast. The problem is that if I lift a large and heavy breast that breast will… Read More


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