301-656-6398  |  703-442-4919
Adam G. Tattlebaum M.D.


What to Ask Before Getting a Nose Job

nose job

A nose job or rhinoplasty is a common cosmetic surgery that alters the shape of your nose. For the right patient, rhinoplasty can help restore facial balance. Some rhinoplasties remove bumps or humps on the nose. Some can change the shape and position of the nasal tip. Some even enlarge or elevate the bridge. The key is to set realistic goals when you consult with your plastic surgeon. Here are some of the most important questions you should ask yourself — and your surgeon — prior to your nose job. What Type of Nose Job Surgeon Is Best for Me?… Read More

Summertime Nose Job: Three Things to Avoid While Recovering

summertime nose job

Are you thinking about having a nose job this summer? A nose job, or rhinoplasty, is one of the most common cosmetic procedures.  It’s also one of the most delicate. That’s why it’s important to be fully aware of your responsibilities as someone recovering from rhinoplasty as well — especially if you have your surgery scheduled during the summer months. The following is a list of the top three things I tell my patients to avoid while recovering from a summertime nose job. What to Avoid While Recovering from Rhinoplasty The Sun Some patients want to get outdoors as soon… Read More

What is Rhinoplasty?

What is Rhinoplasty

Rhinoplasty is the shaping of your nose. Often, patients call this procedure a nose job or a nose reshaping. The exact name of this procedure is not as important as understanding that this surgery can enhance the natural harmony of your face, and help you achieve the look that you want. Every year, cosmetic surgeons perform many rhinoplasties. In 2016, American plastic surgeons performed more than 223,000 nose jobs. Between 2015 and 2016, the number rose 2%. We cannot speculate on what will happen in the future, but as plastic surgeons in Rockville, MD, we want you to know about… Read More

Dr. Adam Tattelbaum Discusses 5 Most Requested Cosmetic Surgeries for Men

It’s been a long time since cosmetic surgery procedures were considered strictly a woman thing. Men want, and need, to look good. It’s about looking young and fit to stay competitive in the job market and social situations. They are turning to cosmetic surgeons for help. And the number keeps rising, up a whopping 325 percent since 1997. That’s what accounts for the fact that men elected to have more than 1.2 million cosmetic procedures in just a single year, 2015. Here is a look at the top 5 procedures requested by men. #1. Liposuction More than 50,000 men had… Read More

Sorry I Kept You Waiting ….

I find myself running behind in the office and sometimes doing what I hate the most… keeping someone waiting for their cosmetic surgery consultation. I am on your side here. I don’t like waiting in the doctor’s office either. So first and foremost if you are reading this and I have kept you waiting, or will keep you waiting, I offer you my sincere apologies. There is more to this blog however. I thought you might find it interesting to know how and why we can get backed up. —–The cascading arrival time: While we have a good scheduling program… Read More

What goes together? More Than One Procedure of Plastic Surgery

When a patient comes in for a consult I never want that patient to feel as though I am trying to add additional plastic surgery, but it is my job is to point out where certain combinations are more powerful than just the one surgery alone. In plastic surgery there are certain procedures that must at least be considered together. Some classic examples: Rhinoplasty: Rhinoplasty really needs to be considered with the chin. The reshaping of the nose has a dramatic effect on the profile. If the chin is receding only half the battle is won. Chin implant may be… Read More

Temporary Rhinoplasty?

A number of people have seen us over the past few years asking about the liquid or temporary rhinoplasty. Popularized by a dermatologist in California, it is essentially a technique of using injectable fillers to alter the shape of the nose. If a patient has a bump on top of the nose the bump can be camouflaged by adding filler just above it. In some cases mild asymmetry can be improved. Eventually, fillers will reabsorb and the procedure will have to be repeated. I think it is a good option for people who are not ready to or healthy enough… Read More


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