301-656-6398  |  703-442-4919
Adam G. Tattlebaum M.D.

Breast Augmentation/Implant Gallery

Breast Augmentation
Correct Assymetry
Implant Removal

Breast Augmentation

Breast Augmentation Patient 1*

Slender Asian female with a 270 cc saline implant to enhance but not overpower.

Breast Augmentation Patient 2*

This patient wanted a volume that would balance with her frame and implant with that would compliment her hips. This was achieved with a 330 moderate profile submuscular saline implant.

Breast Augmentation Patient 3*

Submuscular breast augmentation

Breast Augmentation Patient 4*

339 cc submuscular implant. This implant restores fullness to the upper portion of the breast without looking unnatural. The diameter of the implant gives some curve under the arms complementing the curve of the hips.

Breast Augmentation Patient 5*

Postpartum woman with submuscular gel implants. A periareolar lift was used to change the shape of the mildly conical breasts.

Breast Augmentation Patient 6*

371 subglandular gel implant placed through the areola.

Breast Augmentation Patient 7*

A 425 cc HP implant looks slightly more implanty in this slender and muscular woman

Breast Augmentation Patient 8*

304cc moderate profile submuscular implant

Breast Augmentation Patient 9*

This patient with drooping of the breasts had submuscular breast augmentation with a 500 cc high profile saline implant to give more lift to the breast. She still has some drop postoperatively but in some ways I feel a little droop is more natural. Eventually, she may consider a lift.

Breast Augmentation Patient 10*

355cc submuscular saline implant. This patient’s right nipple is lower than the left before and after surgery. I call this a normal natural asymmetry. While the right nipple could be easily elevated the scar would likely draw more attention than the asymmetry. I like how the curve of the implant balances with the curve of the hips giving this woman an hourglass figure.

Breast Augmentation Patient 11*

This slender Asian woman underwent silicone breast augmentation with a 265 cc moderate profile breast implant. The smaller implant still has enough diameter to balance with the curve of her hips without being overly projecting.

Breast Augmentation Patient 12*

397 silicone gel breast implant. This fuller implant was used to help balance the upper half of this patient’s body with the lower. She has mild chest wall asymmetry. The chest wall tilts the right breast implant slightly toward the side.

Breast Augmentation Patient 13*

300 cc moderate profile implant. This woman has a bit of laxity of the breasts before and after breast augmentation. In my opinion, this can give a more natural look. The width of the breast implant gives balance with the hips. The Implant projection balances with the curve of the buttocks.

Breast Augmentation Patient 14*

This patient has a 265 moderate profile silicone implant. It is a small implant but she is a small person and it balances well. It is a size easily dressed up or down depending upon her goals.

Breast Augmentation Patient 15*

339 cc breast augmentation in this 23-year-old Asian female.

Breast Augmentation Patient 16*

270 cc low profile implant in this slender patient. The low profile is still wide enough to balance with the curve of the hip. Inframammary incision because of the small size of the areola for breast augmentation.

Breast Augmentation Patient 17*

304 cc breast augmentation inframmary

Breast Augmentation Patient 18*

This patient was looking for a sense of top/bottom balance. This is a 371 cc moderate profile breast implant. The left breast fold was lowered.

Breast Augmentation Patient 19*

This woman has more natural breast tissue which helps to cover the breast implant. A little bit of drop is inevitable because of her natural tissue and starting laxity. Even though the right nipple is slightly lower before and after breast augmentation it is not worth elevating. The scar to perform a crescent breast lift on the right side would likely be more visible than this mild asymmetry.

Breast Augmentation Patient 20*

This very fit 23 year old woman has a wide space between the breasts. Here the breast implants are placed as close as possible to the midline without disturbing the insertion of the pectoral muscle on the chest. If the pectoral muscle is elevated synmastia or breadloafing can develop. Generally the narrower the sternal space preoperatively, the closer the breast implants postoperatively.

Breast Augmentation Patient 21*

This 36 year old postpartum of three lost all of her breast volume after childbearing. This 397 gel breast implant restores the volume and fullness to the top of the breast. The implants were placed through an incision above the areola to provide a crescent breast lift on the right side. The patient declined a peri-areolar tightening to reduce the right areola diameter because of concerns over scarring.

Breast Augmentation Patient 22*

Correct Assymetry

Correct Assymetry Patient 1*

Implant Removal

Implant Removal Patient 1*

Implant Removal Patient 2*

*Disclaimer: Individual results may vary.

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