301-656-6398  |  703-442-4919
Adam G. Tattlebaum M.D.
Maryland Plastic Surgery

Breast Enhancement

Breast Augmentation Breast Lift Breast Reduction Breast Implants Mommy Makeover By the time most patients come to my offices breast augmentation is an operation that they have been contemplating for years. When they leave after their 12-week follow-up appointment, I consistently hear “I wish I had done this years ago.” What I try to instill in my patients is the sense that I am seeking to help them accomplish their goals. Breast enhancement is not a “one size fits all” procedure. By engaging in comprehensive discussions with patients and conducting a thorough examination, I formulate a plan to enhance, restore, balance and give my patients a sense of being comfortable and whole. Come in, ask questions, look at pictures, speak to patients. Now is the time.

Now is the time…

Each year countless patients come in to my office with a specific timeframe in mind. They want to look great on their vacation, at the beach, or at an upcoming event. Although breast augmentation is a relatively straightforward procedure and generally takes less than an hour to perform, like much of cosmetic surgery, the ultimate results become apparent in three to six months. Although patients are usually back at work in less than one week, breast implants after surgery still require time to heal. This is the body’s natural response to recent surgery. It takes three to six months for the implants to settle and relax and give the kind of natural look that patients seek. So, if you’re thinking of breast augmentation surgery with a specific timeframe in mind, try to leave a window of at least six to twelve weeks.

A Word From The Doctor

Welcome to my new and updated website. I hope you find it not only better than my old one, but different from the many others you may be looking at.

As a Maryland plastic surgeon I worry that there is not only too much plastic surgery information on the internet to sort through, but that much of it is more hype than substance. I hope you will consider this new site a teaching tool. I have put it together in an effort to answer the most common things my patients want to know.

I hope as you read this site, you will have a sense of how I think cosmetically and how I have approached my patients. By no means is my way the only, but the thinking that I have used and honed over the past 18 years has served me well. I hope it will be of benefit to you.

Each patients results will be different depending upon their goals and starting situation, but I try to present here concepts that will be helpful in considering what is right for you.

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