301-656-6398  |  703-442-4919
Adam G. Tattlebaum M.D.


What’s a fleur de lis tummy tuck (Abdominoplastly)?

A few months ago I saw a woman who had lost over 100 pounds through diet and exercise. She was, without a doubt ready to get rid of all the loose skin hanging from her lower belly. She had seen another doctor who recommended liposuction and a standard tummy tuck, but because of her significant laxity I asked her if she had considered a fleur de lis tummy tuck. She looked at me as though I were crazy, not because she didn’t want the tummy tuck, but because she had never even heard of this procedure. So what’s a fleur… Read More

Sorry I Kept You Waiting ….

I find myself running behind in the office and sometimes doing what I hate the most… keeping someone waiting for their cosmetic surgery consultation. I am on your side here. I don’t like waiting in the doctor’s office either. So first and foremost if you are reading this and I have kept you waiting, or will keep you waiting, I offer you my sincere apologies. There is more to this blog however. I thought you might find it interesting to know how and why we can get backed up. —–The cascading arrival time: While we have a good scheduling program… Read More


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