301-656-6398  |  703-442-4919
Adam G. Tattlebaum M.D.

Baltimore Maryland

Which incision for a breast implant?

I saw a young woman last week, and I have seen quite a few like her over the years. She had breast augmentation done elsewhere about 4 months ago. She was concerned that her breast implants were too high. Everyone starts out big, tight and high, but by 4 months most people are dropping nicely, and she wasn’t. It turns out that she had her breast implants placed through the armpit. While it sounds cool and sexy implants that are too high or don’t drop are a common consequence in this approach. During breast augmentation the lower insertion of the… Read More

What is Posterior Flank Liposuction?

posterior flank liposuction

Many of you know that I perform frontal flank liposuction on most of my tummy tucks. For those that need liposuction in this area it gives more curve and contour to the hips, and in my opinion, makes the tummy tuck look more streamlined and sexy. The Frontal and Posterior FlankThe frontal flank is the love handle or the area you can grab if you pinch the roll just above your hips. In some people, this roll is mainly on the side of the body, but in some it extends all the way around above the buttocks. When it goes around the… Read More

What’s a breast implant funnel?

I’m not a big one to jump on brand new items that come out for plastic surgeons. It seems to me that manufacturers’ want to sell me something that will “revolutionize” my practice on a monthly basis. Most of these things are short lived because they aren’t so revolutionary or just don’t work. In fact, the hype usually far exceeds the science. I feel differently about the breast implant funnel. A plastic surgical colleague was looking for a way to make it easier to insert silicone gel breast implants. Putting in a large silicone gel implant can require a lot… Read More

Spring sprang early

As some of you have undoubtedly noticed I haven’t written a blog in a while. Please accept my apologies. Sometimes work just gets in the way. I like to write my blogs about personal things and real things and I like to do them (as I think they should be done) on my own. It’s just been crazy busy in our office since before the New Year. Usually there’s a period of time in the winter when people see if they succeed or fail at their New Year’s resolutions, but Spring sprang early this year and people started coming in… Read More

Hair on, Hair off

The grass is always greener on the other side of the fence. In one room in our facility we spend our days putting in hair, and in another room just down the hall we take it off. Who’d of thunk? Hair transplantation has become ever increasingly popular. So why don’t you see more people who have had it done? You probably do but you just don’t know it, both men and women. It looks that good. The days of big hair plugs, dolls head results and grand surgeries are largely gone. The state of the art is called microfollulicular grafting,… Read More

PIP and safety of Breast implants

Recently a French manufacturer of silicone breast implants, Poly Implant Prothèse or PIP, came under Investigation by the French government for using low grade silicone in their silicone gel breast implants. The French have recommended that patients with these implants have them removed and replaced as a preventive, but not urgent matter. These breast implants are not approved for use in the United States and I have never used them in my practice. The concern is only relevant for patients who have had breast augmentation outside the United States. The only gel breast implants approved for use in the United… Read More

Don’t try this at home

This is a follow up to a blog I posed a few weeks ago about the pencil test. I am going to describe a sequence of operations that I really do not advocate but I hope makes sense when I describe it. Every month or two, I will see a woman with a double D or more breasts who wants me to do a breast lift and give them gravity defying breasts. Now I can do a breast lift on just about any size breast. The problem is that if I lift a large and heavy breast that breast will… Read More

Labiaplasty- reducing the size of the Labia

When I started performing Labiaplasty a number of years ago I had no idea how popular it would become. A patient once told me that she regretted not having had it done when she had her breast augmentation; she just didn’t know that I did it. Because of her I added a “while you’re at it” section to my D.C. breast webpage to point out surgeries that are commonly combined. Labial tissue comes in all shapes and sizes. Some have more, others less. Common concerns patients share with me include a self consciousness during sexual activity, difficulty wearing certain clothing… Read More

Adam and Eve do Plastic Surgery!

I wasn’t looking for it and I didn’t even really think about it until a few weeks after Eve Pandit joined our team. A patient brought the irony to my attention. Yes, together with my Physician’s Assistant we have become Adam and Eve. So who is Eve? I could tell you about her amazing credentials and her extensive experience in the field of plastic surgery, but she is so very much more than that to me. She is a good person, a fine and kind and gentle human being with a soul a mile wide. She is my right arm,… Read More

Exchange Saline Implants for Silicone gel breast implants?

I recently put a special on my website offering patients with saline breast implants the opportunity to switch to silicone breast implants. I think it’s a wonderful opportunity for patients who have considered switching. So why switch to silicone breast implants? A silicone gel implant is softer than saline, mushier and generally more natural looking. A gel implant softens the transition from the chest wall to the upper portion of the breast. So who might make the switch? – If you wanted silicone in the first place but had your breast augmentation surgery back when silicone was not available in… Read More


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