301-656-6398  |  703-442-4919
Adam G. Tattlebaum M.D.

Baltimore Maryland

The Pencil Test

The internet has a lot of confusing and conflicting information and for those of you reading my blogs (and I hope you do) I try to clarify concept and give my personal experience. The pencil test is one of those topics. Somewhere, sometime, someone on the internet declared that if you could hold a pencil under the fold of your breast your breast was too droopy, your implant too saggy or your breast lift was not good enough. If you can’t hold a pencil under the fold then you have what I call “gravity defying breasts”. There are two groups of… Read More

Men, Liposuction, and the Military

Men tend to be more shy when it comes to cosmetic plastic surgery. While my practice is about 80% women here in the Washington D.C area the U.S. Military unknowingly sends me a steady stream of male patients. Military doctors have decided that one way to evaluate “fitness for duty” is to have a specific ratio of neck diameter to waist diameter. If this ratio is off a discharge could ensue. While I can’t really change the diameter of the neck, I have liposuctioned liters of abdominal and flank fat from servicemen (and women) at bases all over the Maryland,… Read More

Correction of Inverted Nipples through Breast Surgery

Congenital inverted nipples are more common than people realize. However, this problem can easily be corrected under local anesthesia and can also be treated during breast surgery whether undergoing breast augmentation, reduction and or breast lift. To release the nipples, a minor incision is made at the bottom of the nipple and the breast ducts which bind the inverted nipple are released. Release of the nipple which requires the release of the underlying ducts may affected breastfeeding and sensation. If an inverted nipple is a new finding it must be evaluated prior to correction to make sure that there is… Read More

Maryland Plastic Surgeon Dr. Tattelbaum on Facebook, Twitter and Social Media:

I was an early adopter of AOL when my wife and I lived in Boston and she had to telecommute with her office in New York. Maryland, D.C., and Baltimore Maryland became exponentially better when high speed cable came to my home and now FIOS—which I love. I was an early adopter of the web page to promote my practice and educate prospective patients. Now plastic surgery websites are a dime a dozen. I still like to write my own content because I hope that a personal perspective is more interesting than the canned lingo I see so often. The… Read More

What is ALCL?

On January 26, 2011 the FDA released an advisory notice regarding the association of Anaplastic Large Cell Lymphoma (ALCL) in women with breast implants. While ALCL is technically a type of lymphoma it appears to have a very benign course and the condition has been completely resolved by simply removing the breast implant and capsule. It is not a breast cancer. In the past 25 years only 34 cases have been reported in the world among an estimated 10 million+ implanted devices. The American society of plastic surgeons and the American society of Aesthetic plastic surgery are working with the… Read More


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