301-656-6398  |  703-442-4919
Adam G. Tattlebaum M.D.


Adam and Eve do Plastic Surgery!

I wasn’t looking for it and I didn’t even really think about it until a few weeks after Eve Pandit joined our team. A patient brought the irony to my attention. Yes, together with my Physician’s Assistant we have become Adam and Eve. So who is Eve? I could tell you about her amazing credentials and her extensive experience in the field of plastic surgery, but she is so very much more than that to me. She is a good person, a fine and kind and gentle human being with a soul a mile wide. She is my right arm,… Read More

Use Botox For Migraines

botox for migraines

We have noticed for years that patients of ours with a history of migraines have seen subjective improvements in their migraine symptoms when using Botox even for cosmetic purposes. As of last week, the food and drug administration approved the use of a Botox procedure to treat patients with chronic migraines.  Migraine Symptoms Chronic Migraines are defined as migraines more than 14 days each month each lasting more than four hours. Common symptoms of migraines include:  Visual impairment Sensitivity to light and sound Nausea ConfusionFatigueDizzinessIrritabilityDecreased appetite For many who suffer from migraines, relief – no matter how fleeting – is the ultimate goal, but many… Read More

The Best Botox® Procedure: What You Need to Know

botox procedure

Every day I see ads in newspapers, magazines, and circulars offering Botox® at insanely low prices. It leaves me wondering how patients really know that they’re getting good Botox® treatment. For example, many patients may not know that it is able to be reconstituted with sterile water, and in many clinics, it often is. If you add more water and you may stretch a bottle farther, but you also may see less of a result. Because of this common practice, older Botox® may not work as well as a freshly opened bottle. So, paying for Botox® by the site can… Read More


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