301-656-6398  |  703-442-4919
Adam G. Tattlebaum M.D.

Breast Augmentation

What’s a breast implant funnel?

I’m not a big one to jump on brand new items that come out for plastic surgeons. It seems to me that manufacturers’ want to sell me something that will “revolutionize” my practice on a monthly basis. Most of these things are short lived because they aren’t so revolutionary or just don’t work. In fact, the hype usually far exceeds the science. I feel differently about the breast implant funnel. A plastic surgical colleague was looking for a way to make it easier to insert silicone gel breast implants. Putting in a large silicone gel implant can require a lot… Read More

Spring sprang early

As some of you have undoubtedly noticed I haven’t written a blog in a while. Please accept my apologies. Sometimes work just gets in the way. I like to write my blogs about personal things and real things and I like to do them (as I think they should be done) on my own. It’s just been crazy busy in our office since before the New Year. Usually there’s a period of time in the winter when people see if they succeed or fail at their New Year’s resolutions, but Spring sprang early this year and people started coming in… Read More

PIP and safety of Breast implants

Recently a French manufacturer of silicone breast implants, Poly Implant Prothèse or PIP, came under Investigation by the French government for using low grade silicone in their silicone gel breast implants. The French have recommended that patients with these implants have them removed and replaced as a preventive, but not urgent matter. These breast implants are not approved for use in the United States and I have never used them in my practice. The concern is only relevant for patients who have had breast augmentation outside the United States. The only gel breast implants approved for use in the United… Read More

Exchange Saline Implants for Silicone gel breast implants?

I recently put a special on my website offering patients with saline breast implants the opportunity to switch to silicone breast implants. I think it’s a wonderful opportunity for patients who have considered switching. So why switch to silicone breast implants? A silicone gel implant is softer than saline, mushier and generally more natural looking. A gel implant softens the transition from the chest wall to the upper portion of the breast. So who might make the switch? – If you wanted silicone in the first place but had your breast augmentation surgery back when silicone was not available in… Read More

Correction of Inverted Nipples through Breast Surgery

Congenital inverted nipples are more common than people realize. However, this problem can easily be corrected under local anesthesia and can also be treated during breast surgery whether undergoing breast augmentation, reduction and or breast lift. To release the nipples, a minor incision is made at the bottom of the nipple and the breast ducts which bind the inverted nipple are released. Release of the nipple which requires the release of the underlying ducts may affected breastfeeding and sensation. If an inverted nipple is a new finding it must be evaluated prior to correction to make sure that there is… Read More

Postpartum Restoration A.K.A. The Mommy Makeover

As the proud father of two beautiful children and a plastic surgeon, I have had the first hand opportunity to see how such a magnificent miracle can dramatically alter the female body. Hereditary, unpredictable, and often unfair, pregnancy is a body-altering experience. The body is incredibly intelligent and throughout pregnancy has the ability to change dramatically in response to the hormones associated with it. The breast become fuller, skin stretches and abdominal wall and pelvic muscles loosen, among other things. Unfortunately, the body does not always do as good of a job restoring itself. Following child-birth skin loses elasticity and… Read More

Breast Augmentation: Questions to Ask During your Consultation

If you are considering breast augmentation, it is important to discuss your options with a plastic surgeon. You will want to make sure your plastic surgeon is knowledgeable, certified, experienced, and to ensure all of the above it is important to ask your surgeon questions upon consultation. Additionally, a consultation will go over your desired results, medical history, etc. During this time, breast implant options will be discussed, as well as technique. Based off your desires, health and body frame one implant type may be better than another, as well as one technique may be more appropriate then another. What… Read More

Balancing Breasts With Breast Augmentation

breast augmentation

I think there are a lot of subtleties about breast augmentation that the public is not aware of. The operation is not just about increasing the size or scale of the breasts. It’s also about balancing each breast so that they look full and naturally equal. Breasts, by their very nature, are never exactly the same before or after breast implant surgery. It is common for patients to have natural asymmetric breast volume and shape. It is also common to have different degrees of droop in individual breasts.  For example, many women have one breast that is slightly higher on the chest wall than… Read More

The “Bigger” Disease: Preventing It Prior to Breast Enhancement Surgery

breast enhancement surgery

What I like to call the “Bigger disease” is highly contagious and usually sets in about anywhere within the first six months after breast enhancement surgery When breast implants are first put in most patients look too big, tight, and high before the skin and muscles relax to a more natural-looking size. I prepare my patients extensively for this time so they don’t panic or think it is uncommon and dangerous. It is neither. Next comes what I call the “honeymoon period”. As about three weeks roll around, the implants start to settle but still have that push-up bra look… Read More

Breast Augmentation Surgery: It’s About the Hips!

breast to hip ratio

Breast Augmentation is without a doubt the most popular procedure that I perform. While the breasts certainly play an important part, to me, the key is a sense of balance when I look at the person’s bodily makeup – especially the hips. Balance is Natural Prospective breast implant patients are first taken to an implant sizing room in my office where we keep implants to try on in all sizes and shapes. Before I even walk into the consultation, the breast augmentation patient has often already chosen and is trying on the smallest breast implant in our sample drawer. I… Read More


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