301-656-6398  |  703-442-4919
Adam G. Tattlebaum M.D.


Achieving Your New Year’s Resolution: Diet, Exercise and Liposuction

new year's resolution

Given the holiday months are often about vacation, rest, and relaxation, most people find it hard to keep up with the workout routine. Having two holidays back to back that result in people eating a lot of eating and sweets it is no wonder why losing weight is always on top of the resolution list year after year. The fact of the matter is that if we don’t see results quickly with diet and exercise we tend to give up and wait till next year. The year passes, and all of a sudden it’s a new decade with no discernable weight loss… Read More

Liposuction vs Tummy Tuck: Which Is Right for Me

Maryland Plastic Surgeon Provides Clients With Options to Meet Their Aesthetic Goals Maryland plastic surgeon , Adam G. Tattelbaum M.D., provides clients with a broad assortment of surgical and non-surgical procedures. Dr. Tattelbaum is a double board certified plastic surgeon who received ivy league plastic surgery training at both Harvard University and Georgetown University. He is also an attending physician at various hospitals. His extensive training and experience qualify him to meet the needs of his patients. He has been listed as one of the top plastic surgeons in America by the Consumer Research Council of America. One of the… Read More

What is Posterior Flank Liposuction?

posterior flank liposuction

Many of you know that I perform frontal flank liposuction on most of my tummy tucks. For those that need liposuction in this area it gives more curve and contour to the hips, and in my opinion, makes the tummy tuck look more streamlined and sexy. The Frontal and Posterior FlankThe frontal flank is the love handle or the area you can grab if you pinch the roll just above your hips. In some people, this roll is mainly on the side of the body, but in some it extends all the way around above the buttocks. When it goes around the… Read More

Spring sprang early

As some of you have undoubtedly noticed I haven’t written a blog in a while. Please accept my apologies. Sometimes work just gets in the way. I like to write my blogs about personal things and real things and I like to do them (as I think they should be done) on my own. It’s just been crazy busy in our office since before the New Year. Usually there’s a period of time in the winter when people see if they succeed or fail at their New Year’s resolutions, but Spring sprang early this year and people started coming in… Read More

Sorry I Kept You Waiting ….

I find myself running behind in the office and sometimes doing what I hate the most… keeping someone waiting for their cosmetic surgery consultation. I am on your side here. I don’t like waiting in the doctor’s office either. So first and foremost if you are reading this and I have kept you waiting, or will keep you waiting, I offer you my sincere apologies. There is more to this blog however. I thought you might find it interesting to know how and why we can get backed up. —–The cascading arrival time: While we have a good scheduling program… Read More

Men, Liposuction, and the Military

Men tend to be more shy when it comes to cosmetic plastic surgery. While my practice is about 80% women here in the Washington D.C area the U.S. Military unknowingly sends me a steady stream of male patients. Military doctors have decided that one way to evaluate “fitness for duty” is to have a specific ratio of neck diameter to waist diameter. If this ratio is off a discharge could ensue. While I can’t really change the diameter of the neck, I have liposuctioned liters of abdominal and flank fat from servicemen (and women) at bases all over the Maryland,… Read More

Brazilian Butt Lift

The Brazilian butt lift became all the rage a number of years ago when the show Extreme Makeover became popular. I’ve always been a little bit dismayed by that show because they tend to show their postoperative results even just a few weeks after surgery. In the field of cosmetic surgery the most important results come at least a year if not more after the surgery. The operation is just a small part of the entire recovery. If we inject fat in a buttocks it is sure to look full and round about six weeks after plastic surgery, not just… Read More

The Dreaded Tummy Tuck

I would have to say that that the largest group of patients I see in my daily office life are post partum moms. It is a very consistent group of people with similar requests. The post partum moms usually have very realistic goals. They want to restore the breasts that fell or flattened after child bearing and tighten the tummy that now jiggles, bulges or droops. For purposes of this article I will focus on the tummy. The group of people described above is usually well read, well researched and in good physical shape. So into my office walk a… Read More

Liposuction Is Not All About the Fat!

liposuction procedure

Each day in my Maryland and Baltimore Maryland offices I see people in consultation for Liposuction. While liposuction is one of the most popular procedures that I perform I find that often it is the most misunderstood. Liposuction is not only about removing the fat – it’s also about the overlying skin and how it sits on the body.  Assessment Before the Liposuction Procedure Liposuction can be used to remove fat from just about any area of the body, but the key to a nice-looking result is having good skin tone, which has as much to do with what happens before as… Read More


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