301-656-6398  |  703-442-4919
Adam G. Tattlebaum M.D.

Weight Loss

Obesity is Costly – Especially for Women

obesity in women

Generally speaking, women have higher living expenses than men- makeup, hair products, skin care products, waxing, weekly manicure and pedicures, monthly facials, quarterly microdermabrasion, feminine products, etc. All of these add up to lots of dollars spent in the long run. So, it shouldn’t surprise us to hear that obese women have higher living expenses than obese men and non-obese women.  Adult women who are obese often spend as much as $4,879 extra towards living expenses, while men often rack up about $2,646 in additional expenses incurred for being obese. Some of those costs may be paid by the woman, some… Read More


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